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Subject: FW: ebXML press event -- minutes of PR conference call

For those PoCers participating in the SF press event next week, please find attached the minutes of the marketing / PR conference call that was held on this topic yesterday.

Philippe De Smedt
Viquity Corporation (www.viquity.com)
1161 N. Fair Oaks Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94089-2102
(408) 548-9722
(408) 747-5586 (fax)

-----Original Message-----
From: Susy Struble [mailto:susan.struble@eng.sun.com]
Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2000 9:26 AM
To: ebxml-poc-pr@lists.ebxml.org
Cc: susy@sun.com; albert.maruggi@tiecommerce.com

My apologies for the delay in sending these minutes.
We will not have another conference call before the event. If you have any questions on next week's event, please contact me at 650-868-5517 (cell) or by email at susy@sun.com. Catherine and Carol are also available to answer questions.
Phillipe, Sig, and other tech contacts - please feel free to forward these minutes on to the tech POC demo team.
We'll send around an RSVP update later today.
I'll see everyone next week!
Attending 12/6:
Bill Cox , Viquity
Dennis O'Connor, XML Solutions agency contact Dennis O'Conoor and Bill Coxley, Peter Arnold Assoc., XML
Steve Rosen, Extol
Sig Handelman, IBM, tech
Mike Weiner, IBM
Phiillpe Smelt, Viquity
Kazunori Iwasa, Fujitsu PR
Amber Mulnik, Sterling Commerce PR
Spiral Group rep (PR from savion)
Mark Hale, Interwoven, technical  contact
Susy Struble, Sun PR
Maeve Naughton - Interwoven PR
Albert Maruggi - TIE commerce, marketing
Catherine Malone, Heather Lukens, Burson Marsteller on behalf of Sun PR
Carol Geyer - OASIS, PR
Takayuki Nakao, NTT Communications
(1) revised dashboard
(2) final invitation - embedded below
(3) target media list
+ Event details:
Mark Hopkins Inter-continental Hotel (*note location change)
1 Nob Hill (On California St. between Mason St. and Powell St.)
San Francisco, CA 94108
(415) 392-3434
9:00am - 10:30am (Q&A may end before 10:30am)
Teleconference call-in number: see below media invite

When shipping collateral, please note on package: ebXML event 12/12 - please hold. We've alerted the hotel that they will receive packages that need to be held as well. I suggest that you keep all tracking info from Fedex

Parking garages nearby -- information was sent in an earlier email
Continental breakfast will be served.
The event is open to press and analysts only.
+ Rehearsal
December 11, Monday
7pm Peacock Room
* It is imperative that everyone attend the rehearsal. The POC tech team will set up earlier in the day, and all tech members in the demo must be present by 6:00 pm on Monday.
+ Attendees and Spokesperson list - Owner: Catherine Malone (catherine_malone@sfo.bm.com)
Please review the below list and correct any inaccuracies asap. We need accurate information in order to print name badges. Please send corrections to Catherine Malone at the email listed above.
Klaus-Dieter Naujok
Patrick Gannon
Bill Smith

Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Susan Struble
Ed Julson
Steve Yung
Catherine Malone
Heather Lukens

XMLSolutions Corporation
JP Morgenthal
Daryn Walters
Rob Jones
Andrea Druding

Fujitsu Limited
Kazunori Iwasa

Netfish Technologies
Sid Askary

Michael Weiner

Joseph Baran

Krishna Sankar

Interwoven, Inc.
Mark Hale
Jessica Johannes

Viquity Corporation, Inc
Gordon Smith
Philippe DeSmedt

TIE Commerce
Joe Dalman
Albert Maruggi

Savvion, Inc.
Mehrzad Rasti
Jacques Durand
Sarah Coombs

NTT Communications
Takayuki Nakao

Sterling Commerce
Dale Moberg
Fletcher Cook

IPNet Solutions, Inc
Leilani Smith
Lian Saneii
Hatem El Sabaaly

+ Pre-briefings:
Thursday: analysts
Kate Fessenden, Aberdeen Group
Uttam Narsu, Ken Vollmer, Mike Gilpin, Jane Stanhope, Giga Information Group
Kathleen Quirk, Bill Eisele, Hurwitz Group
- Bob Sutor and Bill Smith are ebXML exec spokespeople. Carol Geyer to staff briefings. If meetings are positive, these analysts will serve as general ebXML references for next week's announcement. We will have printed contact information on these analyts available for everyone at the event.
We did also speak w/ Roberta Holland of eWeek yesterday (Wed.) w/ a general pre-brief. Coverage will hit on Monday online and in print, w/ hopefully a good position of print coverage.Roberta had pitched her editors hard on the story, so it'll hopefully get prominent placement.
+ Meeting space
* Each partner will have table top space at the back of the meeting room for collateral, w/ a placard w/ company name. Tables set up in U shape.
* There will NOT be private rooms for 1:1 interviews
* There WILL be banquet style tables off to the side, separated by screening or greenery for space but there will be  background noise
* If vendors require private space we recommend they reserve a private suite in the hotel

+ Press releases
* Oasis will issue its press release on 12/12 at 6:00am PST via business wire
* All partners who issue releases are requested to arrange individually with either wire service to be issued between 6:02 am and 6:10 am
* Partners who wish to garner a quote from Oasis should contact Carol Geyer at cgeyer7@home.com immediately
* Carol Geyer sent Oasis' press release to the alias yesterday, Wednesday.
* See "ShowFlow" document from 11/22 meeting minutes for ebXML MESSAGES to guide content for your release, as well as the overall ebXML release
* Partners should send respective releases to Carol Geyer asap for review and ebXML exec quote. Known list of partner releases is:
TIE Commerce
Sterling Commerce
Interwoven - media alert

+ We will have placards w/ company names for the "collateral tables" at the back of the room and for the POC demo table on stage
+ Analyst presentation at event:
Joann Friedman at META is a possibility. We're in neogtiations on price, etc.
+ Giveaways/handouts
* NetFish will bring ebXML hats from Tokyo -- about 35.
* Due to time constraints w/ editing, the video from Tokyo will be unavailable
+ Media list targets:
Our overall list is attached. Please review target list. If you have any additions for the invite, please send to
catherine_malone@sfo.bm.com and tae_im@lax.bm.com and include contact info (email and phone number) as well as publication/analyst firm.
+ Background materials: one pager on vendor participation in ebXML POC demo
Please forward to Bill Cox a one sentence description of  your company/organization and a one sentence on your contributions to the  POC.
As discussed on the call, this will be used to compile the one page description that will be handed out at the event to the press and analysts.

Bill Cox
Exchange Communications (for  Viquity)
P.) 208.381.0001
F.) 208.445.4566
+ RSVPs as of 12/6/00:
All RSVPs will be tracked by heather_lukens@sfo.bm.com / 415.591.4182   If you have any additions to this list, please alert Heather ASAP and include contact info and whether they'll call in or attend in person.

CNET - Wylie Wong
Computerwire - Bruno Beloff (analyst)
DevX.com - Chris Preimesberger
IDG News Service (UK) - James Niccolai
Java Pro - Kay Keppler
Java World - Carolyn Wong
PC Pro - Paul Trotter
Sm@rt Partner - Debbie Gage
TechWeb - Antone Gonsalves
The451.com - John Abbott
Wired - TBD


EE Times - Bernie Cole
EC World - Mike McGarr
eWeek - Roberta Holland
Gartner Group - Ross Altman
GIGA - Jane Stanhope
Hurwitz - Tyler McDaniel
InfoWorld - Tom Sullivan
InternetWeek - John Webster
IT Week (UK) - Matt Loney
Java Report - Philip Gill
Net Imperative (UK) - Louise Carroll
Network World - John Cox
SD Times - Doug Finlay
* We'll email the alias a "final" RSVP list on Monday, 12/11 at 12:00 noon PST, w/ an update on Thursday and Friday of this week.
* The second media alert will be sent on Monday, 12/11
+ Media alert/invitation





Please join OASIS and the United Nations/CEFACT at a news event that will demonstrate progress to date and highlight strong vendor support of the emerging XML standard for global ecommerce -- the Electronic Business XML Initiative (ebXML)



Tuesday, December 12th, 9:00am-10:30am PST



Mark Hopkins Inter-continental Hotel

1 Nob Hill (On California St. between Mason St. and Powell St.)

San Francisco, CA

(415) 392-3434


If you cannot attend in person, please call in to the teleconference number below. If you RSVP and note that you will be attending only through the teleconference, background materials will be sent to you in advance.


United States:            1-800-260-0702

International:            612-288-0340



·         Senior Members from OASIS, United Nations/CEFACT, and the ebXML executive committee

·         Industry vendors involved in the ebXML Proof of Concept demonstration: Cisco, Extol, Fujitsu, IBM, Interwoven, IPNet, Netfish Technologies, NTT Communications, Savvion, Sterling Commerce, Sun Microsystems, TIE, International, Viquity, XML Global and XMLSolutions



Unveiling of working ebXML demonstration - the first implementation of the core components of the ebXML specification Breaking news regarding the future of ebXML

Press and Analyst question and answer with key ebXML executives and industry vendors



Heather Lukens, Burson-Marsteller on behalf of Oasis and members of the ebXML Proof of Concept demonstration heather_lukens@sfo.bm.com (415) 591-4182

* Please note if you will attend in person or call in. Parking information will be sent following your RSVP to attend in person.


The Electronic Business XML (ebXML) Initiative is a worldwide project to standardize the exchange of electronic business data. ebXML enables anyone, anywhere to do business with anyone else over the Internet. The objective of ebXML  is to develop a global infrastructure for electronic business, based  on  public,  proven  standards.  ebXML represents the only global initiative of its type in the industry today.


ebXML can be thought of in terms of a worldwide postal service, where ebXML defines the envelope that contains information and the stamp that assures the info is delivered anywhere in the world. With this, you can understand the importance of this global, open initiative for the e-business model of the future.  More information on ebXML can be found at http://www.ebxml.org.



ebXML Press Event dashboard.doc

ebXML_target list.xls

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