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Subject: RE: ebXML PoC in SF -- contact information


Here is the phone number for IPNet:

IPNet          Hatem El-Sebaaly       (949) 510-5076


-----Original Message-----
From: Philippe DeSmedt [mailto:PDeSmedt@viquity.com]
Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 2:28 PM
To: 'ebxml-poc@lists.ebxml.org'
Subject: ebXML PoC in SF -- contact information


For those participating in the ebXML PoC next week in SF, below are the cell
phone numbers of some of the participants. If you have not yet done so, and
are participating next week, please add your contact info to the list. Thank


Interwoven:        Mark Hale:         408-316-8731
Sterling Commerce: Dale Moberg:       614-270-7840
IBM:               Sig Handelman:     917-853-5494
Extol:             Joe Baran:         570-590-0596, 
                                      e-mail to cell-phone:
XML Solutions:     JP Morgenthal:     703-298-5630, 
                                      pager: jp.morgenthal@xmls.com
Viquity:           Philippe De Smedt: 650-483-8682
Philippe De Smedt
Viquity Corporation (www.viquity.com)
1161 N. Fair Oaks Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94089-2102
(408) 548-9722
(408) 747-5586 (fax)

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