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ebxml-poc message

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Subject: updated ebXML SF PoC contact list


Below is an updated list.


Interwoven:         Mark Hale:         408-316-8731
Sterling Commerce:  Dale Moberg:       614-270-7840
IBM:                Sig Handelman:     917-853-5494
Extol:              Joe Baran:         570-590-0596, 
                                       e-mail to cell-phone:
XML Solutions:      JP Morgenthal:     703-298-5630, 
                                       pager: jp.morgenthal@xmls.com
Viquity:            Philippe De Smedt: 650-483-8682
NTT Communications: Takayuki Nakao:    415-307-2327
IPNet:              Hatem El-Sebaaly:  949-510-5076
Philippe De Smedt
Viquity Corporation (www.viquity.com)
1161 N. Fair Oaks Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94089-2102
(408) 548-9722
(408) 747-5586 (fax)

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