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Subject: RE: Security Proposal

This has been submitted to Reg/Rep for consideration and inclusion into the
overall Registry and Information Model Specifications.  To the best of my
knowledge, it has not yet been formally accepted by Reg/Rep Project team.
It has not yet even been discussed nor reviewed in our (very infrequent)
telephone conference calls.  All that said, there is much merit in this
first draft.

Joel Munter (Intel)

-----Original Message-----
From: Krishna Sankar [mailto:ksankar@cisco.com]
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2000 3:22 PM
To: Nicholas Kassem
Cc: ebxml-poc@lists.ebxml.org
Subject: RE: Security Proposal

> I may have missed this document. Where was this posted and how
> much support
> did it get within Reg/Rep ?

1.	It is posted where it should be - the regrep list !

2.	If you are implying that this could be a renegade proposal, I
suggest you
talk to Farrukh, your fellow Sun person !


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