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Subject: Minutes POC Telecon - February 1, 2001

POC Conference Call Minutes from 2/1/01

	Dale Moberg, Sterling Commerce
	Sid Askary, Netfish
	Sigmund Handelman, IBM
	Hicham Bahi, Documentum
	Yoshi Russell, XML Solutions
	Philippe DeSmedt, Viquity
	Hatem ElSebaaly, IP Net
	Michael Joya, XML Global
	Farrukh Najmi, Sun
	Mark Hale, Interwoven


- Eight proposals were submitted.
- The proposals were posted on the private pages.  Go to:
- Mark has grouped the proposals into four rough categories:

	Payloads:  	CC and Content Exchange Proposals
	BP:	     	BP Editor and Implementation Proposals
	Messaging:	RM (Fujitsu), RM (CommerceOne), and TPA
	RegRep:	RegRep Proposal

- Mark has identified some areas that need to be worked on in the proposals:

	+The proposal response is great.  We have material to
	 work with for the demo.

	+Messaging proposals need to be pulled together.  There
	 is overlap in the RM and the CPA can be integrated.
	 Dale has the lead on this.

	+Payloads need to be synchronized.  There are four
	 general payloads:  Payment Authority, Automotive,
	 PIP2A1, cXML.
	 Sig has the lead on this.

	+MSH is not referenced in CommerceOne proposal.
	 Dimitri - can you take the lead on this?

	+RegRep proposal has Ad Hoc component which is still
	 undergoing work in the RegRep group.
	 Farrukh will update POC in Vancouver.  Concept
	 will be left in as a placeholder.

  	+Not clear that CC, BP, and Messaging components pull
	 together.  We really need to get these to better
	 Sig will take the lead with some new documents?  Bob,
	 can you please be sure to interact with Sig?

    	+Security needs to be addressed.  Dale is going to
	 take the lead to try to do some small-scale interoperability
	 tests in Vancouver in preparation for Geneva.

	+Registry submission and deletion needs to be looked at.


- The topic of Negotiation of CPP into a CPP has apparently dropped
  off from the ebXML radar.  This will be re-submitted to TA
  as an item to be investigated.


- Farrukh and Michael gave an overview of the current RegRep
  efforts (thanks!). There are two use cases.  The first is
  database-like interface (including drilldown and Ad Hoc
  access).  The second is a document interface that is not
  entirely clear.  It may be something like a reporting and/or
  content aggregation interface.

- Two areas of feedback from POC to RegRep include:
    +More specifics on what a CPP looks like in RegRep
    +Need for Ad Hoc queries of RegRep content
    +More feedback will be gotten next week when POC
     has had more time to review the Specs.



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