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Subject: Re: Sample HL7v3 payload
Here's some sample clinical-style data in the HL7v3 format. DTDs for parsing these messages are available from the HIMSS 2001 site. I've made sure the patient name and ID and other identifying elements all match between the four instances, but I'm not a clinician by any stretch, so I can't vouch for the medical feasibility of the data. Martin Rose, Care Data Systems
addPatient.demo:<?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE addPatient.demo SYSTEM 'addPatient.demo.dtd' [ ]> <addPatient.demo><Patient> <is_a_role_of> <addr> <LIT V="12560 SW Colony Ln."> </LIT> <CTY V="Beaverton"> </CTY> <STA V="OR"> </STA> <ZIP V="97005"> </ZIP> </addr> <phon V="(503)626-1988" USE="PRN"> </phon> <phon V="tel:(503)639-5877" USE="WPN"> </phon> <birth_dttm V="19610428"> </birth_dttm> <marital_status_cd V="S"> </marital_status_cd> <race_cd V="C"> </race_cd> <religious_affiliation_cd V="CATH"> </religious_affiliation_cd> <has><nm> <GIV V="Sarah"> </GIV> <MID V="S"> </MID> <FAM V="Oberheim"> </FAM> </nm> </has> </is_a_role_of> <is_known_by> <id RT="2.16.840.1.113883.4.1" AAN="US SSA" EX="173-51-4099"> </id> <id RT="2.16.840.1.113883.9876.344" AAN="CDSEMPI" EX="P737"> </id> <status_cd V="A"> </status_cd> </is_known_by> </Patient> </addPatient.demo>
<?xml version = "1.0" ?> <!DOCTYPE labOrder.demo SYSTEM "labOrder.demo.dtd" [ ]> <!-- Representation of the following example: Sarah S. Oberheim 12560 SW Colony Ln. Beaverton, OR 97005 USA DOB: 04/28/1961 Sex: F Race: C SSN: 173-51-4099 Home: 503-626-1988 Work: 503-639-5877 Provider: hwinston Here is what is ordered: CBC w/o Differential - ordered by hwinston on 12/15/2000 16:00:00 The following data, was created to complete the elements of the message. Name of Provider's Practice: Docs R Us OID of Provider's Practice: 123.123.878.121.1 Telphone number of provider's practice: 503-626-1988 Provider's ID HW121 SNOMED code for CBC w/o diff S99999 (I don't have SNOMED) Placer ID of the Order: DRU8987 --> <labOrder.demo> <PrsnAsPt> <addr> <LIT V="12560 SW Colony Ln."> </LIT> <CTY V="Beaverton"> </CTY> <STA V="OR"> </STA> <ZIP V="97005"> </ZIP> </addr> <phon V="tel:(503)626-1988" USE="PRN"/> <phon V="tel:(503)639-5877" USE="WPN"/> <birthDttm V="19610428"/> <has_PrsnName> <nm> <GIV QUAL="R C" V="Sarah"/> <MID QUAL="R C" V="S"/> <FAM QUAL="R C" V="Oberheim"/> </nm> </has_PrsnName> <asPatient> <isKnownByProvider> <id EX="173-51-4099" RT="" AAN="US SSA"/> <id RT="2.16.840.1.113883.9876.344" AAN="CDSEMPI" EX="P737"/> <isKnownTo_HCsvcProvdr> <HCprovdrOrgnztn> <OrgnztnAsHPO> <phon V="tel:(503)626-1988" USE="PRN"/> <nmOrg TYPE="L" V="Docs R Us"/> </OrgnztnAsHPO> </HCprovdrOrgnztn> </isKnownTo_HCsvcProvdr> </isKnownByProvider> </asPatient> <!-- This is the order level ... the CBC --> <participatesAsPatientIn> <type V="PAT"/> <in_ObsOrd> <mood V="ORD"/> <id EX="DRU8987" RT="123.123.878.121.1" AAN="Docs R Us"/> <svcCd V="S99999" S="121.222.2323.12" SN="3" DN="CBC w/o Differential"/> <status V="NW" S="2.16.840.1.113883.5.0119" SN="HL7 Order Control Codes" SV="2.3.1" DN="New Order"/> <critclTime V="200012151600-0800"/> <has_ActrAsPlacer> <type V="AUT"/> <participatesAsStakeholder> <PrsnAsActr> <id EX="HW121" RT="123.123.878.121.1" AAN="Docs R Us"/> <phon V="tel:(503)626-1988" USE="PRN"/> <has_PrsnName> <nm> <GIV QUAL="R C" V="H"/> <FAM QUAL="R C" V="Winston"/> </nm> </has_PrsnName> </PrsnAsActr> </participatesAsStakeholder> </has_ActrAsPlacer> <relevantData> <type V="PERT"/> <hasTgt_Svc> <Obs> <mood V="EVN"/> <id EX="19980716.1313" RT="123.123.878.121.1" AAN="Docs R Us"/> <svcCd V="8646-2" S="121.222.2323.15" SN="LOINC" SV="K" DN="ADMISSION DX"/> <value T="CV" V="250.4" S="121.222.2323.25" SN="ICD" SV="9" DN="DIAB W RENAL MANIFEST"/> </Obs> </hasTgt_Svc> </relevantData> </in_ObsOrd> </participatesAsPatientIn> </PrsnAsPt> </labOrder.demo>
<?xml version = "1.0" ?> <!DOCTYPE labResult.demo SYSTEM "labResult.demo.dtd" [ ]> <!-- Representation of the following example: Sarah S. Oberheim 12560 SW Colony Ln. Beaverton, OR 97005 USA DOB: 04/28/1961 Sex: F Race: C SSN: 173-51-4099 Home: 503-626-1988 Work: 503-639-5877 Provider: hwinston Location: SOUTH CBC w/o Differential - ordered by hwinston, results 12/15/2000 18:00:00 Status: P 12/15/1998 18:00:00, 'LOI-4544-3 - HCT', 36, %, 33.0-46.0, Status: F 12/15/1998 17:30:00, 'LOI-0718-7 - HGB', 13.0, g/dl, 11.4-15.2, Status: P 12/15/1998 17:38:00, 'LOI-0804-5 - WBC', 9.6, 10*3/mm3, 4.1-10.3, Status: F The following data, not from the MedicaLogic database, was created to complete the elements of the message. Name of Provider's Practice: Docs R Us Telphone number of provider's practice: 503-626-1988 OID of Provider's Practice: 123.123.878.121.1 Name of the Lab that performed the test: QND Laboratory OID of the Lab that performed the test: 123.3434.32.12 Name of IHCP that performed the test : Alberto Testaperforma ID of Alberto Testaperforma: A1234 Placer ID of the Order: DRU8987 Filler ID of the Order: 19980815.1164 (Filler) IDs of Individual Observations: HCT: 19980815.1234 HGB: 19980816.3333 WBC: 19980817.1212 Putative SNOMED code for CBC w/o Diff: S99999 (I don't have SNOMED) --> <labResult.demo> <PrsnAsPt> <addr> <LIT V="12560 SW Colony Ln."> </LIT> <CTY V="Beaverton"> </CTY> <STA V="OR"> </STA> <ZIP V="97005"> </ZIP> </addr> <phon V="tel:(503)626-1988" USE="PRN"/> <phon V="tel:(503)639-5877" USE="WPN"/> <birthDttm V="19610428"/> <has_PrsnName> <nm> <GIV QUAL="R C" V="Sarah"/> <MID QUAL="R C" V="S"/> <FAM QUAL="R C" V="Oberheim"/> </nm> </has_PrsnName> <asPatient> <isKnownByProvider> <id EX="173-51-4099" RT="2.16.840.1.113883.4.1" AAN="US SSA"/> <id RT="2.16.840.1.113883.9876.344" AAN="CDSEMPI" EX="P737"/> <isKnownTo_HCsvcProvdr> <HCprovdrOrgnztn> <OrgnztnAsHPO> <phon V="tel:(503)626-1988" USE="PRN"/> <nmOrg TYPE="L" V="Docs R Us"/> </OrgnztnAsHPO> </HCprovdrOrgnztn> </isKnownTo_HCsvcProvdr> </isKnownByProvider> </asPatient> <!-- This is the order level ... the CBC --> <participatesAsPatientIn> <type V="PAT"/> <OrderEvent> <mood V="EVN"/> <id EX="19980815.1164" RT="123.3434.32.12" AAN="QND Laboratory"/> <svcCd V="S99999" S="121.222.2323.12" SN="SNOMED" SV="3" DN="CBC w/o Differential"/> <status V="P" S="2.16.840.1.113883.5.0123" SN="HL7 Result Status" SV="2.3.1" DN="Preliminary"/> <hasPerformer> <type V="PRF"/> <participatesAsStakeholder> <PrsnAsActr> <id EX="A1234" RT="123.3434.32.12" AAN="QND Laboratory"/> <has_PrsnName> <nm> <GIV QUAL="R C" V="Alberto"/> <FAM QUAL="R C" V="Testaperforma"/> </nm> </has_PrsnName> </PrsnAsActr> </participatesAsStakeholder> </hasPerformer> <PlacerOrder> <type V="FLFS" S="121.222.2323.25" SN="ICD" SV="9" DN="Fulfills"/> <hasOrdrStub> <mood V="ORD"/> <id EX="DRU8987" RT="123.123.878.121.1" AAN="Docs R Us"/> </hasOrdrStub> </PlacerOrder> <!-- This is the first of the components nested under the CBC Each component is enclosed in 'hasComponent' tags --> <hasComponent> <type V="PAT"/> <ObsEvnt> <mood V="EVN"/> <id EX="19980815.1234" RT="123.3434.32.12" AAN="QND Laboratory"/> <svcCd V="4544-3" S="121.222.2323.15" SN="LOINC" SV="K" DN="HCT"/> <status V="F" S="2.16.840.1.113883.5.0085" SN="HL7 Observation Result Status" SV="2.3.1" DN="Final"/> <critclTime V="200012151800-0800"/> <value T="PQ" V="36" U="%"/> <normlRng LOW="33.0" HIGH="46.0" U="%"/> <hasPerformer> <type V="PRF"/> <participatesAsStakeholder> <PrsnAsActr> <id EX="A1234" RT="123.3434.32.12" AAN="QND Laboratory"/> <has_PrsnName> <nm> <GIV QUAL="R C" V="Alberto"/> <FAM QUAL="R C" V="Testaperforma"/> </nm> </has_PrsnName> </PrsnAsActr> </participatesAsStakeholder> </hasPerformer> </ObsEvnt> </hasComponent> <hasComponent> <type V="PAT"/> <ObsEvnt> <mood V="EVN"/> <id EX="19980816.3333" RT="123.3434.32.12" AAN="QND Laboratory"/> <svcCd V="718-7" S="121.222.2323.15" SN="LOINC" SV="K" DN="HGB"/> <status V="P" S="2.16.840.1.113883.5.0085" SN="HL7 Observation Result Status" SV="2.3.1" DN="Preliminary"/> <critclTime V="200012151730-0800"/> <value T="PQ" V="13.0" U="g/dl"/> <normlRng LOW="11.4" HIGH="15.2" U="g/dl"/> <hasPerformer> <type V="PRF"/> <participatesAsStakeholder> <PrsnAsActr> <id EX="A1234" RT="123.3434.32.12" AAN="QND Laboratory"/> <has_PrsnName> <nm> <GIV QUAL="R C" V="Alberto"/> <FAM QUAL="R C" V="Testaperforma"/> </nm> </has_PrsnName> </PrsnAsActr> </participatesAsStakeholder> </hasPerformer> </ObsEvnt> </hasComponent> <hasComponent> <type V="PAT"/> <ObsEvnt> <mood V="EVN"/> <id EX="19980817.1212" RT="123.3434.32.12" AAN="QND Laboratory"/> <svcCd V="804-5" S="121.222.2323.15" SN="LOINC" SV="K" DN="WBC"/> <status V="F" S="2.16.840.1.113883.5.0085" SN="HL7 Observation Result Status" SV="2.3.1" DN="Final"/> <critclTime V="200012151738-0800"/> <value T="PQ" V="9.6" U="10*3/mm3"/> <normlRng LOW="4.1" HIGH="10.3" U="10*3/mm3"/> <hasPerformer> <type V="PRF"/> <participatesAsStakeholder> <PrsnAsActr> <id EX="A1234" RT="123.3434.32.12" AAN="QND Laboratory"/> <has_PrsnName> <nm> <GIV QUAL="R C" V="Alberto"/> <FAM QUAL="R C" V="Testaperforma"/> </nm> </has_PrsnName> </PrsnAsActr> </participatesAsStakeholder> </hasPerformer> </ObsEvnt> </hasComponent> </OrderEvent> </participatesAsPatientIn> </PrsnAsPt> </labResult.demo>
levelone:<?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE levelone PUBLIC "-//HL7//DTD CDA Level One 1.0//EN" "levelone_1.0.dtd"> <levelone> <clinical_document_header> <id EX="demo::573"/> <set_id EX="demo::360"/> <version_nbr V="1"/> <document_type_cd V="demo::Demo" SN="Careflow|Net" DN="Transcribed report"/> <origination_dttm V="20010131"/> <fulfills_order> <fulfills_order.type_cd V="FLFS"/> <order><id EX="demo::258"/> </order> </fulfills_order> <legal_authenticator> <legal_authenticator.type_cd V="FLFS"/> <participation_tmr V="20010206"/> <signature_cd V="S"/> <person> <id EX="demo::1220"/> <person_name><nm> <GIV V="Doctor"/> <FAM V="Dictating"/> <SFX V="M.D."/> </nm> </person_name> </person> </legal_authenticator> <originator> <originator.type_cd V="AUT"/> <participation_tmr V="20010206"/> <person> <id EX="demo::1220"/> <person_name><nm> <GIV V="Doctor"/> <FAM V="Dictating"/> <SFX V="M.D."/> </nm> </person_name> </person> </originator> <transcriptionist> <transcriptionist.type_cd V="ENT"/> <participation_tmr V="20010206"/> <person><id EX="CDKDOCEDITPROCESSOR"/> </person> </transcriptionist> <provider> <provider.type_cd V="PRF"/> <participation_tmr V="20010206"/> <person> <id EX="demo::1220"/> <person_name><nm> <GIV V="Doctor"/> <FAM V="Dictating"/> <SFX V="M.D."/> </nm> </person_name> </person> </provider> <patient> <patient.type_cd V="PATSBJ"/> <person> <id RT="2.16.840.1.113883.4.1" AAN="US SSA" EX="173-51-4099"> </id> <id RT="2.16.840.1.113883.9876.344" AAN="CDSEMPI" EX="P737"> </id> <person_name><nm> <GIV V="Sarah"> </GIV> <MID V="S"> </MID> <FAM V="Oberheim"> </FAM> </nm> </person_name> </person> <birth_dttm V="19610428"> </birth_dttm> </patient> </clinical_document_header> <body><section> <paragraph><content>DIALYSIS PROGRESS NOTE</content> </paragraph> <paragraph><content>MEDICAL PROBLEMS:</content> </paragraph> <list> <item><content>1. ESRD on CAPD.</content> </item> <item><content>2. Hypertension.</content> </item> </list> <paragraph><content>The patient is doing great. She continues to thrive. Her weight has been stable and her appetite it good. There is no fever or chills, abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting. No shortness of breath or chest pain. Blood pressure has been slightly elevated at home, typically 150/110. PD fluid has been clear without fibrin and exit site has no drainage.</content> </paragraph> <paragraph><content>PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:</content> </paragraph> <paragraph><content>GENERAL:</content> </paragraph> <paragraph><content>The patient is no distress and is alert.</content> </paragraph> <paragraph><content>VITAL SIGNS:</content> </paragraph> <paragraph><content>150/100.</content> </paragraph> <paragraph><content>HEENT:</content> </paragraph> <paragraph><content>No JVD.</content> </paragraph> <paragraph><content>LUNGS:</content> </paragraph> <paragraph><content>Clear.</content> </paragraph> <paragraph><content>CARDIAC:</content> </paragraph> <paragraph><content>Without rub.</content> </paragraph> <paragraph><content>ABDOMEN:</content> </paragraph> <paragraph><content>Soft, nontender.</content> </paragraph> <paragraph><content>TUNNEL:</content> </paragraph> <paragraph><content>Without erythema or tenderness.</content> </paragraph> <paragraph><content>EXTREMITIES:</content> </paragraph> <paragraph><content>No edema.</content> </paragraph> <paragraph><content>LABORATORY: Pending.</content> </paragraph> <paragraph><content>ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:</content> </paragraph> <list><item><content>1. ESRD, stable on CAPD. Will check labs, which will be drawn tomorrow. Continue current prescription for now. Patient to have a referral for the transplant office as soon as possible.</content> </item> </list> <paragraph><content>Hypertension, will increase Diovan to 160 mg daily. Continue all other medications. Followup in 1 month and p.r.n.</content> </paragraph> <paragraph><content>THIS REPORT WAS ELECTRONICALLY SIGNED</content> </paragraph> <paragraph><content>Doctor Dictating, M.D.</content> </paragraph> <paragraph><content>DD/dt</content> </paragraph> <paragraph><content>D: 1/30/2001</content> </paragraph> <paragraph><content>T: 1/30/2001</content> </paragraph> </section> </body> </levelone>
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