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Subject: Important for POC Registry Implementors: Spec clarification #1 inRegistryServices v0.8

During POC  implementation of the Registry Services (RS) it was observed
that the RS
v0.8 spec needs the following clarification:

While it was intended and implied, it is not explicitly stated that when
a GetClassifiedObjectsRequest is sent to the RS it should return objects
that are:

-Either directly classified by the specified ClassificationNode
-Or is directly classified by a descendent of the specified

Note the second clause is not explicitly stated in RS v0.8 spec.

For example, let us say a classification tree has the following

    North America

If the Geography node is specified in the GetClassifiedObjectsRequest
then the GetClassifiedObjectsResponse should include all ManagedObjects
that are directly classified by (Geography OR North America OR US OR
Asia OR Japan OR Korea OR Europe OR Germany)

If the Asia node is specified in the GetClassifiedObjectsRequest then
the GetClassifiedObjectsResponse should include all ManagedObjects that
are directly classified by (Asia OR Japan OR Korea).

If the Japan AND Korea node is specified in the
GetClassifiedObjectsRequest then the GetClassifiedObjectsResponse should
include all ManagedObjects that are directly classified by both (Japan
AND Korea).

If the North America AND Asia node is specified in the
GetClassifiedObjectsRequest then the GetClassifiedObjectsResponse should
include all ManagedObjects that are directly classified by (North
America OR US) AND (Asia OR Japan OR Korea).

I do not plan to re-distribute updated versions of the spec at this
point for the above changes. What is more effective is to make sure that
RR implementors in POC see this message and understand this change. If
folks have an issue with suggested clarification please let me know.
Otherwise I will
assume you agree with the changes. 

Finally, please let me know of any other spec problems you may have
encountered and I will try and propose a fix in a timely manner.




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