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Subject: RE: Simple Boolean Query Proposal.
I like it. Good research work David and an excellent job explaining it. As I stated in my first proposal on this point. OQL/SQL is too heavyweight for what we're doing here. We simply need simple boolean queries at this time. I say we move in this direction and let the POC tell us if they need more power for ad-hoc. JP -----Original Message----- From: David RR Webber To: INTERNET:matt@xmlglobal.com Cc: 'duane '; ''mrowley@exceloncorp.com ' '; ''RegRep ' ' Sent: 1/7/2001 6:39 PM Subject: Simple Boolean Query Proposal. Message text written by INTERNET:matt@xmlglobal.com >Fine by me. XPath is easier to learn than QUILT, and I think XPath would do just fine. Now for something different..... Why wouldn't ebxml regrep simply define a set of calls which allow a user/app to search for certain things? The UDDI initiative did this with their find_*() methods. If the group were to do this, there would be no QL holy war as vendors could use whatever technology that they are married to to fulfill queries. Vendors could extend the core to perform more complex queries (they will anyway). Comments? -Matt< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ok - Matt - remember what was published 4 months ago? This is based on work Mike Kass at NIST and I did, and from that Smithsonian query application that had to be database agnostic. Also - if you go to http://www.monster.com - there are 445,000 job vacancies - so this equates pretty good to a directory of 445,000 businesses that need something, or have a speciality. Of course they are using HTML searching style right now. But ad hoc querying it is. Let's re-visit and see what people reckon on a best approach given what we've learned in the last four months. All this XPath / XSL / techie detail is well and good - but how about the actual business requirements here??! The main reason I see that Farrukh wanted to do OQL was so that we could head off UDDI and do ad hoc queries against CPP company profiles in the ebXML Registry. Do we really need complex searching technologies here to get the business job done? On inspecting Monster.com - my assertion would be - we can get away with a simple boolean search first pass and get 95% of the business functionality - if not 100%! What is a simple boolean search? 1) Locator + comparitor + value = query term(s). a) Valid Locators: (i) A tag name (any path context) (ii) Tag root path (specific path context) (iii) GUID or UID or URN (iv) "*" = match any text (HTML style on content) 2) Valid Comparitors: (i) EQUALS-STRING (ii) EQUALS-DATE (iii) LESS-THAN (iv) GREATER-THAN (v) IS-EARLIER-THAN (vi) IS-LATER-THAN (vii) CONTAINS-STRING These are based on the OASIS registry query list drafts. Notice if you wanted to do a subset we could lose 3 of these that are date specific and do string comparisons only - since current XML is not typed on dates. Given that we're looking for businesses a la UDDI this is most likely acceptable - for version 1.0 here. 3) Value = string or datestring (YYYY-MM-DD only) 4) Valid joins - OR, AND; NOT OR, NOT AND Now to insert these into the DTD's for registry access you simply need to add: <!ELEMENT RequestItem (RegistryItem)> <!ATTLIST RequestItem Action (queryURI | queryContent | queryRAW ) #REQUIRED > <!-- Allows specification of Registry information model --> <!-- compliant references to actual content. --> <!ELEMENT Locator (term+)> <!ELEMENT term EMPTY> <!ATTLIST term tagpath CDATA #REQUIRED tagmode CDATA ( TAG | PATH | GUID | UID | URN | ANY ) #REQUIRED operator (EQUALS-STRING | CONTAINS-STRING | IS-EARLIER-THAN | IS-LATER-THAN | GREATER-THAN | LESS-THAN ) #REQUIRED value CDATA #REQUIRED join CDATA ( OR | AND | NOT OR | NOT AND | END-QUERY ) #REQUIRED > A sample query term would then be: <requestItem Action="queryURI"> <RegistryItem/> </requestItem> <locator> <term tagpath="country" tagmode="TAG" operator="EQUALS-STRING" value="FRANCE" join="AND" > <term tagpath="grape" tagmode="TAG" operator="CONTAINS-STRING" value="MERLO" join="END-QUERY" > </locator> Since Farrukh already has implemented a set of functions to retrieve context (drilldown), that will give you the Tag Name or Tag root path or GUID/ UID - this is it. A couple of pages in the spec' and its done. Use what ever backend storage database technology you want. Any questions?! Thanks, DW.
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