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Subject: RE: Resubmission of Distributed Registry Approaches.ppt

David ?? 

> The CPP tells you the mechanics of talking to the particular registry
> and just establishes the registries presence in hyper-space.
> DW.

"The CPP tells you the mechanics of talking to the particular registry" ?

The CPP tells you the message exchange capabilities that (or it is which ?)
a collaboration partner chooses to publish that (or which) a collaboration
partner would (we'd hope probably use) to support a collaborating business
Of course one has to reasonably expect not every organization will publish
all their real CPP profile capabilities to the world; perhaps all you'd see
is a simple public CPP but for those 'special relations' there's a special
CPP you don't see !
Of course one also don't need to have a CPP in a registry to do a mutually
defined business relationship, likewise for a CPA, but at this point one is
reasonably expecting a CPP to be serviced by easy to use (and free ?)
Registry services.

The other DW

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