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ebxml-requirements message

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Subject: Re:Listserv Up


You indicated you would be sending out an expanded table of contents for the
requirements document and would be seeking volunteers to work on and write
sections of the document.  I share your urgency for getting a product to the
other groups, and am confident we can meet your objective, but suggest we need
to establish how we, as a group, are going to come to consensus on the content
and structure of the document, how we are going to do collaborative writing for
all of the sections, and how we as the group are going to agree on the final
releasable product. 

Mark Crawford
Research Fellow
LMI Logistics Management Institute
2000 Corporate Ridge, McLean, VA 22102-7805
(703) 917-7177   Fax (703) 917-7518
"Opportunity is what you make of it"

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