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ebxml-requirements message

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Subject: Re: Reminder - ebXML Requirements Conference Call this Frida

Hi Mark,
Thank you for your editing effort. Unforunatelly, while I was able to
open the attachment, many of the entries have been run together into one
line, losing the line breaks between bullets, which makes it hard to
read. It also had lines with exclamation marks inserted, which I had to
delete manually. Are others having the same problem?

I know some on this list had trouble reading Word docs, but for those of
us who can read Word, I would appreciate if both the Word and Text
versions were sent out together.


Mark CRAWFORD wrote:
> To All,
> I have created a single .txt file that contains what I believe to be
> all requirements submissions and am forwarding that to all on the list
> in case they may have missed a submission.  By the same token, if I
> have missed someones submission, please bring it to my attention.  At
> this stage, the file is sorted by submitter.  My intent, baring
> unforseen workload tomorrow, is to transition the components of each
> submission into Mike's draft outline and to send that revised file to
> you by COB tomorrow so that you can review it for comparison to Mike's
> forthcoming issues list prior to Friday's call.
> Mark
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                                            Name: C:\My Documents\XML Requirements.txt
>    C:\My Documents\XML Requirements.txt    Type: Plain Text (text/plain)
>                                        Encoding: 7bit

    _/    _/             Kit C. J. Lueder       
   _/   _/         _/   The MITRE Corp.         Tel:  703-883-5205
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 _/   _/   _/    _/   Mailstop W658           FAX:  703-883-3383
_/    _/  _/    _/   McLean, VA 22102        Mail: kit@mitre.org
Worse than an unanswered question is an unquestioned answer.

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