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ebxml-requirements message

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Subject: Re: Reminder - ebXML Requirements Conference Call this Frida

I have the same problem and would prefer both Word and Text.

"Kit (Christopher) Lueder" wrote:

> Hi Mark,
> Thank you for your editing effort. Unforunatelly, while I was able to
> open the attachment, many of the entries have been run together into one
> line, losing the line breaks between bullets, which makes it hard to
> read. It also had lines with exclamation marks inserted, which I had to
> delete manually. Are others having the same problem?
> I know some on this list had trouble reading Word docs, but for those of
> us who can read Word, I would appreciate if both the Word and Text
> versions were sent out together.
> Thanks!
> Kit.
> Mark CRAWFORD wrote:
> >
> > To All,
> >
> > I have created a single .txt file that contains what I believe to be
> > all requirements submissions and am forwarding that to all on the list
> > in case they may have missed a submission.  By the same token, if I
> > have missed someones submission, please bring it to my attention.  At
> > this stage, the file is sorted by submitter.  My intent, baring
> > unforseen workload tomorrow, is to transition the components of each
> > submission into Mike's draft outline and to send that revised file to
> > you by COB tomorrow so that you can review it for comparison to Mike's
> > forthcoming issues list prior to Friday's call.
> >
> > Mark
> >
> >   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >                                            Name: C:\My Documents\XML Requirements.txt
> >    C:\My Documents\XML Requirements.txt    Type: Plain Text (text/plain)
> >                                        Encoding: 7bit
> --
>     _/    _/             Kit C. J. Lueder
>    _/   _/         _/   The MITRE Corp.         Tel:  703-883-5205
>   _/_/_/    _/  _/_/_/ 1820 Dolley Madison Bl  Cell: 703-577-2463
>  _/   _/   _/    _/   Mailstop W658           FAX:  703-883-3383
> _/    _/  _/    _/   McLean, VA 22102        Mail: kit@mitre.org
> Worse than an unanswered question is an unquestioned answer.
tel;fax:(650) 506-7812
tel;work:(650) 506-3412
org:e-Business Integration;Oracle Applications
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