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Subject: Discussion method of the group
Dear Mike, I would like to congratulate you and the group for the progress you make and, joining on the discussion from the outside, I see a lot of progress. However, and excuse me for my ingnorance if I don't have the complete picture as an outsider, I have a difficulty to asses were the group is, what are the issues and were we are for the requirements list. To provide for a easy follow/up and tracking of discussions here in UN, we have the habit to produce two documents, numbered, and which contain the complete state of a discussion: an issue list and the requirements list documents. We then maintain these two documents after each meetings and discussions over the net, recording the comments, progress, resolution etc and produce a revision of these documents for public distribution. This also allows to provide information for any request from the outside. Did the group produce such documents, and if yes, could I have a copy of them?. In case you don't have such documents or you need help to maintain, I would gladly voluntier to produce and/or help to maintain such documents. Regards, Jean
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