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Subject: Re: Discussion method of the group
Jean, Thanks for your comments. We actually have three documents in the works: 1) An ongoing issues list which has been distributed on the listserv. I maintain this document. 2) The Requirements Specification itself. We don't have it ready yet, but we hope to have a draft very soon. We *will* have a draft before the start of the Orlando meeting. Mark Crawford is the editor of this document, and several of us will be providing sections. 3) A background document summarizing our discussions and thinking behind the requirements. We will start work on this after the specification is completed. All will be posted on our project team web site as soon as it and they become available. Hope this answers your questions and concerns. Also, please don't consider yourself an outsider! I know that you have not been able to participate very much in the conference calls so far. However, we value your participation, particularly since you can offer us a UN and European perspective that most of the rest of us don't have. I hope you will be able to attend our meetings in Orlando. Mike Jean.Kubler@unece.org wrote: > Dear Mike, > > I would like to congratulate you and the group for the progress you make and, > joining on the discussion from the outside, I see a lot of progress. However, > and excuse me for my ingnorance if I don't have the complete picture as an > outsider, I have a difficulty to asses were the group is, what are the issues > and were we are for the requirements list. > > To provide for a easy follow/up and tracking of discussions here in UN, we have > the habit to produce two documents, numbered, and which contain the complete > state of a discussion: an issue list and the requirements list documents. We > then maintain these two documents after each meetings and discussions over the > net, recording the comments, progress, resolution etc and produce a revision of > these documents for public distribution. This also allows to provide information > for any request from the outside. Did the group produce such documents, and if > yes, could I have a copy of them?. > > In case you don't have such documents or you need help to maintain, I would > gladly voluntier to produce and/or help to maintain such documents. > > Regards, Jean -- Michael C. Rawlins, Rawlins EDI Consulting http://www.metronet.com/~rawlins/
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