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Subject: Re: Comments on OTA Requirements

"appropriate bodies" is a generic term used deliberately to
avoid answering your question.  :)
- This comes from work in OTA, where we debated for far too
long on the issue of aligning the travel standards to the 9/24
draft of XML Schema, or use DTD. The experience with travel
is to avoid early drafts of upcoming work. In this case, W3C is
the "appropriate body", where some other body may be
appropriate like depending on CPEX drafts for Customer
Profile definitions.

Scott R. Hinkelman
IBM Austin
Architecture and Development, Industry XML/Java Standards
Office: 512-823-8097 TL793-8097
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Dave Hollander <dmh@commerce.net> on 01/18/2000 12:34:43 PM

To:   "List, ebXML Requirements" <ebXML-Requirements@lists.oasis-open.org>
Subject:  Re: Comments on OTA Requirements

What are "appropriate bodies"?  Today's climate where
consortium come and go, it is difficult to understand where
people need to draw the line.

Dave Hollander

At 11:56 AM 1/18/00 -0600, Mike Rawlins wrote:
>- Underlying Standards: The Travel industry would recommend avoiding all
>XML standards until ratified by appropriate bodies.
>MCR:  A very good point which I think we have all talked about, but
>haven't stated explicitly.  I see this as a basic requirement on the
>ebXML guidelines that they depend only on standards or recommendations
>approved by the appropriate bodies.

Dave Hollander
Director eCommerce Knowledge Management and Interoperability
Co-chair W3C XML Schema Working Group

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