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ebxml-requirements message

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Subject: RE: Business view vs. Functional view - for consideration

Seems logical to me, but I must confess that I am out of touch with the
thinking on requirements structure. I would suggest we adopt Garret's
picture as the
"The ebXML Initiative Reference Model".  (I suspect we will have something
but more technical as a Ref Architecture, so stay away from

<Business Requirements/>
..some business requirements....
<Functional Requirements/>
..some sort of functional principals....
    <Technical Requirements/>
    ..base technical architecture requirements....
         <Core Requirements/>
         ..requirements specific to core....
         <Transport Requirements/>
         ..requirements specific to transport routing etc....
         <Registry Requirements/>
         ..requirements specific to registry repository etc....

Scott R. Hinkelman
IBM Austin
Architecture and Development, Industry XML/Java Standards
Office: 512-823-8097 TL793-8097
Home: 512-930-5675
Cell: 512-940-0519
Fax: 512-838-1074

"Warner, Thomas" <Thomas.Warner@MW.Boeing.com> on 01/19/2000 11:48:55 AM

To:   rawlins@metronet.com, Scott Hinkelman/Austin/IBM@IBMUS
cc:   "List, ebXML Requirements" <ebXML-Requirements@lists.oasis-open.org>
Subject:  RE: Business view vs. Functional view - for consideration

I too have some confusion about the "functional service" versus the
"business operational" view/scope of the requirements effort.  In SITG we
found that we had to segregate the two and draw a demarcation line to help
us keep the correct view during discussions. This corrected the tendency to
mix the two.

May I suggest that we consider differentiating issues according to these  2
views (as best we can) while applying Garrets ebXML stack.  In that stack,
there seem to be 4 functional pieces and 2 business pieces to the
requirements.  This might help us to stop muddling the views on the issues.

As an added bonus - FYI - Attached is an 1/12/00  Automation Research
Article on XML.
It has some good basic ideas / news for review.  Particularly the caution
the end.
 <<XML News-004AE.pdf>>
Tom Warner
Manager, Electronic Commerce Initiatives
Integrated Digital Environment Program
Aircraft and Missiles Systems
The Boeing Company
(T) 314-232-0615
(F) 314-777-1704
e-mail: thomas.warner@boeing.com

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