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Subject: MOU Mgt Group
Someone on the ebXML requirements teleconference mentioned a URL for the Memo of Understanding (MoU) Management Group. I didn't get to copy it down. I would appreciate it if someone could post that URL to the list. I had read about that activity in an article, but there was no URL in the article, and web searches have been unfruitful. In summary: A MoU established by the International Standards Organization (ISO), International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), and UN Economic Commission for Europe (UN/ECE), to harmonize the definition and semantics for business and information objects, including a specification of standard data elements. Thanks. Kit. -- _/ _/ Kit C. J. Lueder _/ _/ _/ The MITRE Corp. Tel: 703-883-5205 _/_/_/ _/ _/_/_/ 1820 Dolley Madison Bl Cell: 703-577-2463 _/ _/ _/ _/ Mailstop W658 FAX: 703-883-3383 _/ _/ _/ _/ McLean, VA 22102 Mail: kit@mitre.org Worse than an unanswered question is an unquestioned answer.
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