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ebxml-requirements message

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Subject: Re: Out of Office; Requirements Team Conference Call

Dear Mike,

Allow me to offer my sincere condolences.


> Folks,
> I've had a death in the family and will be out of the office off and on
> this week.   Please do not expect an immediate response from me this
> week for phone calls or e-mails.
> Regarding the project team web page for our work area, if I am able to
> get it completed at all this week it will not be until the end of the
> week.
> I have sent to Mark my draft for the sections of the requirements
> specification that I had planned to complete.   If he is able to
> complete the full draft in time for at least a cursory review before
> Friday, we'll go ahead and have our conference call at 11:30 CST as we
> discussed.  If not, we'll wait to discuss it until Orlando.
> Regards,
> Mike

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