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ebxml-requirements message

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Subject: Requirements scope questions

Hi y'all,

I have been reading the archives and everything else I could find
and have some questions related to ebXML requirements scope.
Please forgive me if I missed an answer to my questions, and
point me in the right direction.

I'll try to define four levels of scope.  Feel free to correct
my terminology or classification if you don't like my definitions,
but I hope the basic idea will communicate anyway.

Level 1: Transaction message format
    (the focus of EDIFACT and X12)
    There could also be a Level1.1 which abstracted
    the various duplicate and overlapping message formats
    for e.g. a Purchase.  I understand this to be part
    of the scope of ebXML.

Level 2: Transaction message sending and receiving protocol
   (I know ebXML at least wants to get this far)

Level 3: Overall business transaction that the transaction message
    is part of.
    For example, for a purchase transaction, there may be:
        shipping notice
   eCo may cover this level under Choreography.
   Not sure if ebXML wants to go this far.

Level 4: Value system that the business transaction is part of.
   For example, in a commercial product supply chain,
   many business transactions represent dependent demands
   for components and services related to the ultimate
   customer requirement.  
   The dependent business transactions constitute a semantic
   web, where changes to one node may have ripply effects
   across large areas of the whole  web.

In my opinion, the real potential of the Internet is at level 4:
the semantic Web for value systems.  I also see efforts to
implement this level going on right now - not standardized,
of course.

However, I understand that ebXML has deadlines, and I fully
support piecemeal  growth.  So I am not attempting to
expand the scope of the initial effort with these questions.

The questions are:
A. What is the intended scope of ebXML requirements,
    in relation to the levels I posed above, or some alternate
    definition of scope that would cover the same ideas?

B. Assuming ebXML has an initial scope that does not
    extend to level 4 as defined above, do any members
    have any interest in a follow-on process to get there?

Thanks very much,
Bob Haugen
Logistical Software LLC
(see White Papers for more discussion
of standardized semantic Web for business)

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