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ebxml-requirements message

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Subject: ebXML Requirements Conference Call 1/28 - As Planned


Mark is making good headway toward having a draft that we can discuss.
He told me that he plans to send it out to the listserv later today.
So, we will go ahead and have the conference call as scheduled.

Here are the call in details:

Time: 9:30 - 11:00 AM PST  (i.e., same time of day as our previous
Dial In Number: (954) 797-0718
Participation Code: 282583

Agenda for Friday, 1/28

1)    Roll call, introduction of new participants
2)    Approval of Agenda
3)    Approval, corrections to minutes from 1/20
4)    Miscellaneous updates on logistics and other activities
5)    Begin discussion of draft Requirements Specification
6)    Preliminary planning for Orlando meeting.

Michael C. Rawlins, Rawlins EDI Consulting

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