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Subject: Best Wishes
Dear Mike, Tom and Team, I apologise for making so little contribution to the discussion lately, and missing the last two conference calls. Being a solo consultant means I have no spare resource when things are jumping. Maybe I'll have an XML product to talk about when ebXML comes to Brussels in some compensation. I would like you all to know that I have been impressed with the quality and cogence of the debate on framing the requirements. One reason I didn't contribute much is that you others were making arguments with more practical understanding and elegance of expression than I could muster. I hope you reach a consensus when you speak today, and that your hard work is endorsed by all in Orlando. All the best, Kathleen Tyson-Quah KTQ Consulting Limited 1 Canons Close Radlett, Herts WD7 7ER tel&fax: +44 (0) 1923 859 566 e-mail: ktq@ktqc.com
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