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ebxml-requirements message

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Subject: Re:ebXML Requirements Conference Call 1/28 - As Planned

I may be able to participate in today's call, but only
for a little while. I would like to say now that I am 
very impressed with this requirements document. 

I will offer more useful comments later, but for the
next draft, I would appreciate a header on the document, 
including date of publications, editor and contributing 
authors with their email addresses.



At 03:22 PM 1/27/00 -0500, Mark CRAWFORD wrote:
>Attachment Converted: "D:\PROGRAM FILES\EUDORA\Attach\ebXML Requirements Specification  Version.txt"
>Attachment Converted: "D:\PROGRAM FILES\EUDORA\Attach\ebXML Requirements Specification  Version.doc"
>Attachment Converted: "D:\PROGRAM FILES\EUDORA\Attach\ebXML Requirements Specification  Version.htm"
>Attached is the latest version of the requirements document in Word, Text, and
>HTML formats.  There are some format issues I need to resolve in switching
>between the three so please be understanding.  
>There is still a fair amount of work that has to be done before Orlando, but I
>believe there are enough requirements and issues to keep us busy tomorrow.  My
>thanks to Mike for a considerable contribution to the current version.
>    Mark
>Mark Crawford
>Research Fellow
>LMI Logistics Management Institute
>2000 Corporate Ridge, McLean, VA 22102-7805
>(703) 917-7177   Fax (703) 917-7518
>"Opportunity is what you make of it"

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