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ebxml-requirements message

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Subject: ebXML Requirements - Jan. 28 Minutes

>  <<ebxml-ReqGrp-Telcon-012800.doc>> 
Text version below
ebXML Requirements Group
Teleconference 01-28-00
Summary Report 

Chair:    Mike Rawlins (972) 783-9573
Secty:   Tom Warner  (314) 232-0615
Editor :  Mark Crawford (703) 917-7177

Attendees / Members:                               e-mail
Attended 1/28/00
Mike Rawlins,   Team Leader                  rawlins@metronet.com
Tom Warner,    Secretary
thomas.warner@boeing.com                  Y
Mark Crawford, Editor       		mcrawford@lmi.org
Jon Bosak                                             	bosak@eng.sun.com

Tim Cochran                                          	tcochran@disa.org 
Turochas Fuad                                         turochas.fuad@sun.com

Kenji Itoh
Scott Hinkelman                                       srh@us.ibm.com
Doug Hopeman                                   	hopeman@xmls.com 
Ravi Kacker				rkacker@kraft.com

Jean Kubler
jean.kubler@unece.org                            Y
Kim Lambert
klambert@air-transport.org                      Y
Kit Lueder                                                kit@mitre.org

Murray Maloney				Murray@muzmo.com
Marcia McLure				marcia.mclure@mmiec.com
Norbert Mikula				norbert@datachannel.com
Garret Minakawa                          	gminakaw@us.oracle.com 
Dwayne Nickull 				?
Kathleen Tyson-Quah                            	jtq@granularity.co.uk

Don Rudie                                              	rudied@dnb.com
David Webber                                          drrwebber@acm.org
Erik J. Leckner                                         eleckner@seagate.com

Dave Hollander				dmh@commerce.net		
Bob Haugen				?

Agenda :
1)    Roll call, introduction of new participants
2)    Approval of Agenda
3)    Approval, corrections to minutes from 1/20
4)    Miscellaneous updates on logistics and other activities
5)    Begin discussion of draft Requirements Specification
6)    Preliminary planning for Orlando meeting.

Roll Call:  Bob Haugen, a newcomer monitoring the teleconference
Agenda:  Mike R. swapped items 5 and 6
Kim L - requested add of Steering Committee - meeting update
Jean K. requested having team teleconference on 2nd for status - Mike R.
will investigate  
Minutes:  Jan 20th minutes Approved 

Steering Committee Update: Mike R. - Lots of topics 
1.	Brussels is the next full ebXML meeting.  No hotel determined yet.
Meeting venue is the European Commission HQ.  No conference fee.
2.	Steering committee - discussing using "DOCBOOK" (XML documentation)
for ebXML documentation.
	*	Reason is that OASIS uses DOCBOOK for DTDs and Style Sheets
in SGML. 
	*	There will be a DOCBOOK Tutorial in Orlando at 1830 on the
	*	Group discussion followed about pro's and con's of DOCBOOK :
Mike R. "We will sort it out in Orlando".  Final document form is not yet
	*	Mark C.  - Will determine the format for our requirements
and let the steering committee "help" with any necessary conversions
3.	Procedures and Policy Statement:  A one page document was issued by
Klaus Naujok this week giving very abbreviated organizational directions.
	*	Anyone can join anything at any time by simply requesting to
do so.
	*	Virtual membership in any project team is achieved by
Listserve participation. 
	*	Project team officers are the Team Leader and the Editor.
There is no official position of Secretary...(I will continue recording
meeting minutes in an unofficial capacity).
	*	Team consensus is determined by the Team Leader and the
	*	Consensus is defined as " A majority agreement characterized
by a lack of significant objection"
	*	Group Discussion of Consensus definition: 
		Mike R. - This is too ambiguous.  What if 20% violently
disagree and will not withdraw their opposition for the sake of achieving a
majority vote.  Then the steering committee will allow the Team Leader and
the Editor to still determine "consensus".  There is an appeal process where
the opposition can take their case to the Steering Committee or the
Executive Committee.  Note that the team can still record the minority
positions in the deliverable document.  Note that the Team Leader and the
Editor can appeal to the Steering Committee to overturn a team consensus (if
they believe that the vote was "rigged".)
	*	Voting procedures - Mike R. :
		1st.	Consensus is obtained in the Project Team (PT)
before the deliverable is presented to the full ebXML Work Group (WG) 
		2nd.	The ebXML WG will review and send comments back to
the PT for final revision
		3rd.	The PT presents the final deliverable to the ebXML
WG for voice vote
		4th.	If passed, the Executive Committee (EC) makes a
recommendation for acceptance to the Steering Committee (SC) 
		5th.	The SC is the final word on the deliverable
acceptance based on a 2/3 majority vote of the SC 
	*	Group Discussion on Voting "workability":
		*	Murray M. - Can the plenary session vote on any
opposing issue?  This process will require a lot of trust being put in the
Steering Committee leadership (to do the right thing).
		*	Don R. It is intended to be an iterative process and
it is expected to work.
		*	Jean K. - International experience has proven that
the consensus approach is th only way (to move forward).
Dates:  For international legibility, the dates used in the PT reports will
now contain alpha months.
Matrix Use:  (see Jan 20 minutes) Mike R. Did not get around to asking the
SC for a position on the suggested use of a Matrix to "position" business
and functional categories of ebXML  "work".  He will do it in Orlando
Planning Orlando PT Agenda: 
*	Mike R. - Our draft document is a good start but we still need to
refine it within the team and with other project teams before we can begin
finalizing. Therefore, we will not expect to have a final deliverable until
the wrap up session on Friday morning (4th).  We will suggest a vote at the
Brussels meeting.
*	Group - discussed best approach for the week's work.   Provide an
advance copy of our draft document to all the project teams ASAP.  Include
caveats about the draft nature of the documents.  (Expect everyone will be
thrilled with advance notice and the amount of effort that has been put into
the document. )  Project Team Leaders already have an e-copy.  We will plan
to have a final e-copy of our deliverable for everyone on the 4th.
*	Mike R. - Monday PM and Friday are the plenary sessions.  Project
Team Leaders will all meet at Lunch on the 1st.
*	Tuesday - Blocked off all day for our PT document review
*	 Wednesday - Need to complete all Project Team Joint Sessions in one
day...may slop over to Thursday but suggested running late Wednesday to
avoid this.
*	Thursday - Need all day for our PT finalizing of document.
*	Group - discussion of joint session needs - Suggested that each
Project Team be requested to give us a "bulleted" list for a "Heads up" (of
their requirements / issues).  Our PT attempted to predict the amount of
time needed for each of the other PTs joint session...but the prediction
results were not conclusive.  "Business Processes PT have minimal
requirements and lack firm direction (vagueness)...this could mean they need
more or less time".  The Transport Team has a lot of detail posted to their
work web site...this could indicate the need for more joint time".  "The
Marketing and the Core Components PTs are more important and therefore
should get more of our time".  "The Registry and the Repository Group is not
just looking at the repository support requirements but is looking at
"everything"...we should spend some extra time with them."  "Consortiums
have generally done much of the Core Component PTs work for them...maybe we
do not need too much time for them."
*	Mike R. - Printer availability is still being determined.  PT
leaders may have to do their own printing at their expense.  So expect to do
much e-distribution of documents. Our group thinks that paper documents are
critical for proper review process next week.
*	Power-strips -  We have only 2  so bring your own extension cords   
*	E-mail - We hope to be e-mail connected to the virtual teammates
(Rawlins and Warner have e-mail)

Document Review Process in Orlando: Group discussion- 
*	We cant change anything in the document but can we set the tone for
the work ahead..
*	Mark C. - There are still some conflicts in the various sections and
we have to better identify those conflicts.  Request that all PT members
review the document and identify the parts that they have problems with in
order to have them ready for the Tuesday team meeting.  
*	Mark C. - Will attempt to extract all the issues to a separate work
document for Tuesday session.
*	Murray M . -  Suggested the issues / conflicts be categorized into
"gross level issues",  "conflicts" and "micro issues".   Please include the
identity of the issue submitter if possible. Logic: Issue submitters are
expected to champion their submittals.  An issue may die for lack of a
*	Mark C. - Asked for any additional issues to be submitted to him
ASAP.  Mark will include them with existing issues for the Tuesday effort.
He will try to identify submitter but have probably lost some ID's of
original submitters. 
Documents Format Discussion:
*	Mike R. - 1st priority is that all the PT members understand the
documents.  So we will walk through it on Tuesday morning.  After that we
should be able to (proceed)
*	Don R. - Format is confusing - Can't distinguish which of the
content is the ebXML initiative itself and what is the actual content of our
Requirements Document.  Cant we separate the two?  Agreed!  
*	Mike R. - Are there any particular sections that are unclear?  
*	Jean K. Section 2.2 - Functional Issues: Difficult for an outsider
to understand. Can we add some rationale?
*	Mark C.  Sect 2.2 came from the original group contribution papers.
Can't remember who submitted?  I have problems with sections 3 and 4.  They
were from another PT to Mike R. 
*	Mike R. - "The Document Format attempts to focus on ebXML
environment characteristics."  Section 2 is  high level requirements and
Section 3 is detail requirements .  Section 4 is the Expected Guidelines for
the expected working environment.  It is true that these are hard to
identify. The other PTs just combined all of their information together (and
we copied it as we received it.)  Where we had detail submittals from the
other PTs we did not attempt to produce the "higher level" requirements from
*	Mark C. - We need to discuss form and structure of the documents on
*	Mark C. - How do we want to incorporate new requirements from other
groups?  How do we cooperate and capture the other PTs requirements and
still (manage) our own general requirements? 
*	David W.  - Consider using an addendum for pieces that are "of
further consideration".
*	Mike R. - We don't know how much of a problem this will be.  This
should get clarified ion the plenary session.
*	Mark C.  - We are at about the right level of detail in our document
now for our PT needs.  Now we need to get to the right level of detail that
the (ebXML WG) will buy off.

Preliminary Team Review:
*	Mark C. - Please look at the document this week end and mark it up
in Word Document Revision Mode if possible.  Submit directly to Mark ASAP
for a Monday evening final listing.

Next Meetings:
*	Jan. 31 - Feb 4, 2000 - Orlando  - Full ebXML Meeting 
*	May 8-12, 2000 - Brussels - Full ebXML Meeting 
*	Aug. 07- 11, 2000    -   USA ( TBD) - Full ebXML Meeting
Nov. 06-10


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