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Subject: Requirements Spec Review
Folks, The first comment period for the Requirements Specification closes two weeks from today. The Requirements Team requests specific review and input from the other teams in the following areas. Our liaisons to your teams will be working with you to receive this input so that we can include it in the next draft. 1) Terminology - We would like to target this document so that all parts are reasonably understandable by all ebXML participants. In several cases we have done some rephrasing or editing to achieve this, but there may still be some sections that have overly detailed, technical terms and jargon. Things like "In no instance shall this meta-model be subject to implied specification using instantiations or derivations" come to mind, along with "wire format mapping", which we edited out. Where such things still exist, please either rephrase them or add enough explanatory text to make the meanings clear. In addition, if we have taken out anything you feel is important, please put it back in. But, please make sure that what you put back in is accessible. 2) Gaps, Overlaps, and Inconsistencies - Please review your section and those of the other teams for these concerns. We have already had discussions of gaps and overlaps. There may also be inconsistencies between not only what the teams are working on, but between the team's requirements and the overall business requirements in Section 2. 3) Section 4 Organizational and Procedural Requirements - Please make careful review of this section. The last set of bullets, if adopted as requirements, call for follow-on actions by the executive and steering committees. If you are not prepared to act on these, or if you think that there are others that are missing, please send include appropriate changes to these bullets in your comments on the document. Thanks, Mike Rawlins, ebXML Work Group, Requirements Project Team Leader http://www.ebxml.org/working/project_teams/requirements/
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