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ebxml-requirements message

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Subject: Re: [Fwd: Re[2]: Concern with basic ebXML TRP Syntax/Semantic

Note, this is a follow-up on my suggestion at the last ebXML
Requirements teleconference, in response to my review comment of:
> 2. Section 1.5, General ebXML Principles, "Enable simple, easy and
> ubiquitous use of XML for electronic business" and "Coalesce the
> structure and content components of divergent XML standards into a
> single useable XML business standard." Also, Section 2.1, General
> Business Requirements, "A single, consistent approach to using XML for
> electronic business processes in both the B2B and B2C environments."
> 2.2 Conducting Electronic Business using ebXML, "Business applications
> must be able to exchange structured business documents (encoded in
> XML)..."
> These quotes imply that the contents of the ebXML message are to be XML,
> while the TRP consider it a requirement to convey any content (e.g.,
> binary), not just XML content.

Proposed text for a requirement in 2.1 or 2.2 (not sure which place it
should go...). For 2.1, it would be worded:
Provides support for the exchange of pure XML payloads, as well as of
other non-XML payloads.

For 2.2, it would be worded:
Be able to exchange pure XML payloads, as well as other non-XML

Mark CRAWFORD wrote:
> BTW - still waiting for your bullet.
>     Mark
> Mark Crawford
> Research Fellow
> ______
> LMI Logistics Management Institute
> 2000 Corporate Ridge, McLean, VA 22102-7805
> (703) 917-7177   Fax (703) 917-7518
> mcrawfor@lmi.org
> http://www.lmi.org
> "Opportunity is what you make of it"

    _/    _/             Kit C. J. Lueder       
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