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ebxml-requirements message

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Subject: Requirements Overlap & Gaps


To fix some of the overlaps and gaps in requirements,  I propose the
following changes and additions to the latest draft of the Requirements
Spec.  These will be incorporated in our next draft unless we receive
comment Monday.  If you want to make changes after the draft is
released, you may submit them during the two week comment period.

In the BP section, after the "Provide a Process..." bullets

NOTE:   This process will be developed in coordination with the process
for identifying ebXML Core Components

In the Architecture Section:

Strike the following:

o Support and represent business processes independent of the technical
o Provide and support a library of common, standard intra-business

Replace with:

o  Specify the roles, interactions, and interfaces among the various
ebXML specification components such as the business process meta-model,
core components, registry and repository, and message transport routing
and packaging


o  Design guidelines for ebXML compliant messages

[NOTE:  There seems to be some discussion about whether or not the
Architecture team has taken responsibility for this item, but I suggest
we put it here for now even if some other team does it later.  I think
it clearly is a deliverable].

Add the following in asterisks:

o *In coordination with BP process specification and core components
identification, * provide for naming conventions for technical and
business content in the technical architecture

Mike Rawlins, ebXML Work Group, Requirements Project Team Leader
Mirrored at: http://www.metronet.com/~rawlins/ebXML

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