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ebxml-requirements message

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Subject: ebXML Requirements Spec Status; Vienna Plans

The public comment period for version 1.04 of the ebXML Requirements
Specification is now closed.  We received no comments.  On our
conference call last week we disposed of many of the QRT comments,
decided which to forward to the other teams, and authorized our editor
to respond to QRT's editorial comments.  All of the teams to which we
forwarded QRT comments have now responded, so we have all we need for
the final draft.  I will forward it for posting to the public ebXML main
web site as a candidate document as soon as Mark is finished with the

On our call, the question was raised whether or not this spec needed to
go to the plenary for approval or if Steering Committee approval would
be required.  I posed that question to the Steering Committee on our
call on April 25, and the consensus was that we should again submit it
to the plenary.  So, we will present it on Monday and vote on Friday.

Mike Rawlins, ebXML Work Group, Requirements Project Team Leader

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