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ebxml-requirements message

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Subject: Re: ebXML Requirements Spec


I reviewed the RS 1.05 document you have circulated.   Congratulations to
you and your team on reaching this milestone.    I apologize that I am not
in Vienna to raise a glass personally.   Your recasting of the 'security'
section as a general inventory of user requirements, without making
overprecise claims about each one, is very helpful.  It better represents
the current state of affairs.

In lieu of physically attending, let me pass along the following two
typo-level nits in that Section 6.5.  

a.   In the first sentence of the last paragraph of 6.5, change the
semi-colon after the word "requirements" to a colon.

b.  The last sentence in that paragraph (beginning "This time period is
subject..." was originally associated with the last bullet point
("Archiving") and its reference to a period of "several years."  You may
wish to re-locate it to that bullet point.   

Best regards   Jamie Clark

James Bryce Clark
Spolin Silverman & Cohen LLP 
310 586 2404    jbc@lawyer.com   

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