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ebxml-requirements message

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Subject: Re: ebXML Requirements Spec


Thanks for the comments - miss having you here to bounce some ideas off of.
Thanks very much for your contributions and catching these typos.  We will
address them in a new revision.


James Bryce Clark wrote:

> Mike:
> I reviewed the RS 1.05 document you have circulated.   Congratulations to
> you and your team on reaching this milestone.    I apologize that I am not
> in Vienna to raise a glass personally.   Your recasting of the 'security'
> section as a general inventory of user requirements, without making
> overprecise claims about each one, is very helpful.  It better represents
> the current state of affairs.
> In lieu of physically attending, let me pass along the following two
> typo-level nits in that Section 6.5.
> a.   In the first sentence of the last paragraph of 6.5, change the
> semi-colon after the word "requirements" to a colon.
> b.  The last sentence in that paragraph (beginning "This time period is
> subject..." was originally associated with the last bullet point
> ("Archiving") and its reference to a period of "several years."  You may
> wish to re-locate it to that bullet point.
> Best regards   Jamie Clark
> James Bryce Clark
> Spolin Silverman & Cohen LLP
> 310 586 2404    jbc@lawyer.com

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