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Subject: Room assignments

Based on our experience in Brussels and joint conference call today with CC
alignment people, I'd suggest BP needs a room for 50 people.

---------------------- Forwarded by Paul R. Levine/Telcordia on 08/02/2000 03:49
PM ---------------------------

Klaus-Dieter Naujok <knaujok@pacbell.net> on 08/02/2000 12:25:38 PM

Please respond to Klaus-Dieter Naujok <knaujok@pacbell.net>

To:   ebxml-stc <ebxml-stc@lists.ebxml.org>
cc:    (bcc: Paul R. Levine/Telcordia)
Subject:  Room assignments

In an earlier message I forwarded from David a room size break
down was given.  Normally we would match the number of registered
members for a particular project team against the room sizes
available.  However, for this meeting no such data was collected.
Therefore I need your help to figure out what your expected
membership for this meeting will be.

Thanks in advance for your help.


Klaus-Dieter Naujok                        NextERA Interactive
Antioch, CA USA                                +1.925.759.1670

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