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Subject: Re: SJ Technical Orientation Agenda & Presentation Status


I am taking Klaus' suggestion about paring my presentation down even further.   It is hard because too little
information will result in more questions being asked than answers.   I think I can omit two slides but I will try it
out on someone to see if the ruse works.

I will meet the 5:00 PM deadline or I can simply skip over the slides during the presentation so either way,  it will
make the 20 minutes

BTW - I really like the slide header you guys came up with.  Lots of kudos, compliments etc.!!!!



Rachel Foerster wrote:

> All,
> Attached is a single slide PowerPoint file with the detailed agenda for the
> above. Thus far I have received slide files for the following topics from
> these individuals:
> Introduction to ebXML (Melanie McCarthy)
> ebXML Scnearios (Duane Nickull)
> Business Process Modeling & Metamodeling (Karsten Riemer)
> Note that the timing for this agenda now extends the anticipated conclusion
> to almost 12:30 pm! I believe that some of you feel you will not need a full
> 20 minutes to present your topic. Thus, I'd appreciate each of you
> confirming back to me by the COB Friday, 8/4, how much time you will
> actually require.
> Due to the extremely tight agenda I will have to ask each of you to stay
> within your allotted time when presenting your topic. I will ring the bell
> when your time is up so that we can keep the entire session moving.
> Lastly, for those who have already provided me with their slides, please
> confirm to me that what you've sent me is the final, final or whether you
> anticipate another newer version.
> For those who have not yet sent me anything, a reminder that your PowerPoint
> slide file is due to me by the COB Friday, 8/4.
> Thanks,
> Rachel
> Rachel Foerster
> Principal
> Rachel Foerster & Associates
> Professionals in EDI & Electronic Commerce
> 39432 North Avenue
> Beach Park, IL 60099-3602
> Voice: 847-872-8070
> Fax: 847-872-6860
> http://www.rfa-edi.com <http://www.rfa-edi.com>
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                                              Name: ebXML Technical Orientation Agenda.ppt
>    ebXML Technical Orientation Agenda.ppt    Type: Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation (application/x-mspowerpoint)
>                                          Encoding: base64

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