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Subject: Re: Please Clarify Role of QR Team in Review Process


Could the stc get a quick data point before we deep dive on this process 
issue. Given the document has gone through a major re-write, could we know 
how many from the TA WG voted on forwarding the document and what the vote 
was. I assume the vote is in the archives but in the interest of saving 
time perhaps we could just post this info to this list. Thanks in advance.


At 11:17 AM 9/22/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>I've seen a few messages go by that indicate to me a need to clarify the
>role of the QR Team (and formerly QA team) in the review process.  My
>understanding from our StC discussions was that the QR team would only
>*report* review results to StC and the Exec.  No mention was made either
>of granting QRT the power to "hold back" submitting a specification to
>general ebXML comment, or of the Exec "releasing" a specification for
>comment.  Neither of those being discussed, it seems to me that it still
>falls to the submitting team to decide whether or not to submit a
>draft.   If someone has an issue with a team submitting a specification
>that they feel isn't ready, the default then would be to deal with that
>issue as we do all other issues, i.e, formally raise it to StC and have
>us vote on it.   I'm all for using what few procedures we have in place
>and keeping things as simple as possible.
>If anyone has a different understanding of the process, I suggest we
>clear this up right away.
>Michael C. Rawlins, Rawlins EC Consulting

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