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ebxml-stc message

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Subject: ebXML POC

Dear STCers,

A quick update on the status of the Tokyo-poc. Following our scheduled 
conf. call today, the POC team agreed to meld the GCI & AIAG proposals into 
a single consolidated proposal. Given the number of roles and participants 
we also agreed to rationalize the demo such that we enlighten rather than 
confuse the audience. We intend to maintain an engineering focus and strive 
for open interoperable solutions. Marketing ebXML is a desirable 
side-effect of this work as opposed to being the main rationale.

Neither AIAG nor the GCI payloads will be characterized as aligned or 
miss-aligned with ebXML since the POC team (as a whole) has no way of 
measuring this.  The only definitive authority for measuring such alignment 
are peer-reviewed and publicly available specs. My assumption is that the 
responsible WGs are studiously and methodically working to accomplish this 

I expect to have a draft POC proposal available for your review within a week.


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