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ebxml-stc message

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Subject: RE: ebXML list of participants

Well,it's not an amalgamation of listserv lists, which only have email
addresses; it's the name and company name (but not email address) of each
person who is subscribed. We get this from the innformation submitted on the
subscription form. We're building some functionality at OASIS that could,
incidentally, be used to manage this, but this won't be done for a while.

I'm just wondering about the usefulness of this information on the web site.
If it's useful we'll devote the labour to make it work; I just want to make
sure that we should.

Karl F. Best
OASIS - Director, Technical Operations
978.667.5115 x206
karl.best@oasis-open.org  http://www.oasis-open.org

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Martin W Sachs [mailto:mwsachs@us.ibm.com]
> Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 2:44 PM
> To: Karl Best
> Cc: ebxml-awareness@lists.ebxml.org; ebxml-stc@lists.ebxml.org; Karl
> Subject: Re: ebXML list of participants
> Karl,
> First of all, if your list of participants is an amalgamation of all the
> listserver subscriber lists, and you are doing it by hand, I support not
> doing it by hand. Isn't there a tool that can simply produce a
> composite of
> all the listserver subscriber lists?
> As to who is really a participant, that's a potential nest of
> rattlesnakes.
> I doubt that there is an answer.  A composite list of all ebXML meeting
> attendees would include a lot of lurkers and miss people who are active on
> email but can't get to meetings.
> A composite of the participant lists from the individual specifications
> would miss people because the teams aren't necessarily keeping them up to
> date and some team leads (like me) haven't built the list yet.
> I suggest:
>    Automate the composite list of the listserver subscribers if this
>    composite list is needed.
>    Build a composite meeting attendee list, labelled as such, if it is
>    needed.
>    Otherwise "don't go there".
> Regards,
> Marty
> ******************************************************************
> *******************
> Martin W. Sachs
> IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
> P. O. B. 704
> Yorktown Hts, NY 10598
> 914-784-7287;  IBM tie line 863-7287
> Notes address:  Martin W Sachs/Watson/IBM
> Internet address:  mwsachs @ us.ibm.com
> ******************************************************************
> *******************
> Karl Best <karl.best@oasis-open.org> on 01/18/2001 02:17:13 PM
> To:   ebxml-awareness@lists.ebxml.org, ebxml-stc@lists.ebxml.org
> cc:   Karl <karl.best@oasis-open.org>
> Subject:  ebXML list of participants
> OASIS IT staff has been maintaining the ebXML list of participants
> (http://www.ebxml.org/participants/participants.htm) by hand, and adding
> new
> names every few weeks. This isn't really a list of people who participate,
> but rather a list of people who subscribe to any the ebXML lists, whether
> they particpate or not. (Given the numbers, it's actually a list of
> lurkers:
> there's ~2000 people on the list, but probably only a couple hundred of
> those really participate.)
> My question is whether we should make the effort to continue to keep this
> list current. Over 900 people have subscribed to the mail lists
> in the past
> five weeks! Do we want those 900 people added (by hand) to the
> participants
> list? I think anyone who is truly participating has been doing so
> for quite
> some time, so the people subscribing now are just lurking.
> So, we can either 1) continue to manually add new people to the list as
> they
> subscribe, 2) stop adding people and just leave it where it's at today, or
> 3) actually come up with a list of participants (defined as what?) and
> publish that list on the web page.
> Feedback, please.
> </karl>
> ============================================================
> Karl F. Best
> OASIS - Director, Technical Operations
> 978.667.5115 x206
> karl.best@oasis-open.org  http://www.oasis-open.org

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