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ebxml-stc message

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Subject: [Fwd: Fwd: Re: BP/CC Specification schema to be submitted to QR]

my apologies for the convoluted thread of this message, but this is a
formal submission for Quality Review of version 0.90 of the BP/CC
Specification Schema.

the team had difficulties posting to this list and i have taken the
liberty of doing so on their behalf.

the QR Team will report to the Executive by Friday January 26th.

tim mcgrath
TEDIS   fremantle  western australia 6160
phone: +618 93352228  fax: +618 93352142

Hi Tim,
as per attached e-mail from Paul Levine,
here is the updated Specification Schema document, now version 0.90.
I believe we have address all of your specific issues.
Included in the .zip is also an issues list with your issues listed and 
corresponding resolutions.

The document also does have change control, so you can see exactly 
what we changed, but you have to manually turn it on in Word to see the changes.
The document also has line numbers, but I can only see them when printing the doc.

Paul is traveling somewhere in Europe right now, so please consider this
the formal (re-)submission of this document for QR review.

Look forward to your report/recommendation.

Let me know what else you might need from me for the public review cycle.



There has been a high level of activity on the part of the metamodel group of
the BP/CC delivery team to produce a document for QR by 22 Dec.  This will alert
you to expect most of the parts of this document by the close of business on
Friday 22 Dec.  The deliverable is the ebXML Infrastructure Specification
Schema, which Karsten has explained briefly in the forwarded message.  Attached
is the latest Delivery Team project plan spreadsheet which shows this


(See attached file: BPCC Deliverables v10.2.xls)

Karsten Riemer <Karsten.Riemer@East.Sun.COM> on 12/18/2000 01:20:08 PM

Please respond to Karsten Riemer <Karsten.Riemer@East.Sun.COM>

To:   ebxml-bp@lists.ebxml.org, ebxml-core@lists.ebxml.org
cc:   ebxml-tp@lists.ebxml.org (bcc: Paul R. Levine/Telcordia)
Subject:  BP/CC Specification schema to be submitted to QR

BP/Core Components teams,

For those who have not been following metamodel meetings, we are preparing a
submission to go to QR this Friday (12/22).
We refer to this submission as the Specification Schema in support of the
infrastructure release. (For those who were in Tokyo, what we at that meeting
called Specification Metamodel is now being referred to as Specification
Schema, and is a semantic subset of the bigger ebXML metamodel).

For a quick listing of the sub deliverables of the specification schema see
seciton 4 of the deliverable team document distributed by Paul Levine and Mary
Kay Blantz, with updates to be distributed by Mary Kay following today's BP/CC

To manage any changes to the specification schema we have created an issues

I attach the issues list in its current format,
and intend to go over this list tomorrow.

Anyone who has an issue they would like addressed before we submit the
specification schema to QR on this Friday (12/22) should speak up now and get
their issues added to the issue list. We will not make changes that are not on
the issues list. I will send out separately later today (a subset of) the set
of documents we intend ot submit on Friday.


>I would like to bring a suggestion update the current Metamodel
>(BCSSchema.doc) to include pseudo-states that correspond to synchronization
>bars. I believe that they should be at the same level as the start-state and
>terminal-state. I understand that this is part of the activity-graph
>Metamodel from which the current profile is based. However, they need to
>explicitly appear in the current profile to be able to have the
>corresponding elements in the schema.
>Best regards,
>Jean-Jacques Dubray, eXcelon Corp.

Mac Word 3.0

Microsoft Excel 97


tel;cell:+61 (0)438352228
fn:tim mcgrath

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