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Subject: Re: URGENT: Vote on TA spec 1.0.2

On Wed, 07 Feb 2001 08:40:58 -0800, Klaus-Dieter Naujok wrote:

>Duane, I urge you to send me the disposition document that
>describes what your team did which each comment logged.  After I
>receive it I will put both documents on the web site and send a
>notice to the membership.

A quick update. I have left emails and voice mails with Duane and
Brian (editors) to get the missing disposition document. So far no
response from either. Until I get that document I will not be able
to make public the TA specification and the notice that it is up
for approval. As I said the executive has agreed to make an
exception in regard to the notification period, but not telling
those who commented on the last version what happen to their
comments is not acceptable.

Therefore I am copying this email to the architecture list in hope
that a member may be able to forward me the final disposition
document so that I can go ahead with thew publication.



Klaus-Dieter Naujok                          ebXML & TMWG Chair
Netfish Technologies, Santa Clara, CA, Chief Technology Officer

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