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Subject: Re: CC Specifications submission

this supplementary  note is to confirm that the QR team do not intend to delay the public
release once the editorial changes are made.  assuming these are finished by March 3rd then
this is the date of public release.

this means, the BP/CC team will have slipped one week in the schedule.

the technical content issues of the QR Team will be addressed during the first public review

Klaus-Dieter Naujok wrote:

> On Mon, 26 Feb 2001 10:05:41 +0800, Tim McGrath wrote:
> >However, our recommendation is that these
> >documents go forward for public review, but only after a significant amount of editorial
> >improvements are made.  This recommendation has only been made to minimise delays in the
> >review process.
> Tim,
> Can you identify the time required to do those editorial
> improvements?  As you are aware there is no real slag in the
> schedule other than the second editorial cycle that is two weeks
> instead of one due to Easter being in the middle. In order for the
> executives to be aware of the impact I need some estimate your
> delay may cause.
> Thanks in advance for your quick response.
> Klaus
> --
> Klaus-Dieter Naujok                          ebXML & TMWG Chair
> Netfish Technologies, Santa Clara, CA, Chief Technology Officer
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tim mcgrath
TEDIS   fremantle  western australia 6160
phone: +618 93352228  fax: +618 93352142

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