Subject: comments on cppml,v0.1.dtd
All, I would like to hear some opinions on the following comment I have regarding the initial draft DTD for our CPP/CPA. The original tpaML,v1.0.6 offered a Certificate element which was composed of (basically) the same elements as have been defined thus far for our CPP. I only reorganized things such that a set of Certificates could be organized/collected within a Party element (formerly Participants/Member). The issue/comment that I have is that the certificate contains no means which I can determine to actually identify the certificate itself. Would we be better served to leverage the work of the (now CR) XMLDSig WG and use the KeyInfo element they have defined? e.g. <KeyInfo> <X509Data> <!-- two pointers to certificate-A --> <X509IssuerSerial> <X509IssuerName>CN=TAMURA Kent, OU=TRL, O=IBM, L=Yamato-shi, ST=Kanagawa, C=JP</X509IssuerName> <X509SerialNumber>12345678</X509SerialNumber> </X509IssuerSerial> <X509SKI>31d97bd7</X509SKI> </X509Data> <X509Data> <!-- single pointer to certificate-B --> <X509SubjectName>Subject of Certificate B</X509SubjectName> </X509Data> <X509Data><!-- certificate chain --> <!--Signer cert, issuer CN=arbolCA,OU=FVT,O=IBM,C=US, serial 4--> <X509Certificate>MIICXTCCA..</X509Certificate> <!-- Intermediate cert subject CN=arbolCA,OU=FVTO=IBM,C=US issuer,CN=tootiseCA,OU=FVT,O=Bridgepoint,C=US --> <X509Certificate>MIICPzCCA...</X509Certificate> <!-- Root cert subject CN=tootiseCA,OU=FVT,O=Bridgepoint,C=US --> <X509Certificate>MIICSTCCA...</X509Certificate> </X509Data> </KeyInfo> It would seem to me that this would be a logical choice for us as it would (potentially) ease implementation use of this particular feature, especially once XMLDSig becomes more commonly used. I see no real benefit at this stage for ebXML to define its own XML vocabulary for describing a certificate. Comments? Thanks! Chris
begin:vcard n:Ferris;Christopher x-mozilla-html:FALSE org:Sun Microsystems, Inc;XTC Advanced Development adr:;;;;;; version:2.1 email; title:Sr. Staff Engineer x-mozilla-cpt:;0 fn:Christopher Ferris end:vcard
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