Subject: comments on cpa-cpp spec ver. 0.1-interim
The top-level element of the CPP and CPA contains an ID-type attribute named id. As an XML ID-type attribute, it isn't clear to me what would ever reference it by an ID REF attribute. What we do need is a name for the document that might be referred to elsewhere or at least stored in a user's catalog of CPPs and CPAs. An ID-type attribute is not suitable for this purpose because of XML's restriction that the first character cannot be numeric. If the intent of id is to be a name for the document its content should be unrestricted and I therefore suggest changing it to CDATA. Regards, Marty ************************************************************************************* Martin W. Sachs IBM T. J. Watson Research Center P. O. B. 704 Yorktown Hts, NY 10598 914-784-7287; IBM tie line 863-7287 Notes address: Martin W Sachs/Watson/IBM Internet address: mwsachs @ *************************************************************************************
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