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Subject: A candidate namespace/technique for handling multiple values...

From "http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-rdf-syntax-19990222/#higherorder"

"RDF defines three types of container objects:

Bag An unordered list of resources or literals. Bags are used to declare
that a property has multiple values and that there is no significance to the
order in which the values are given. Bag might be used to give a list of
part numbers where the order of processing the parts does not matter.
Duplicate values are permitted. 
Sequence An ordered list of resources or literals. Sequence is used to
declare that a property has multiple values and that the order of the values
is significant. Sequence might be used, for example, to preserve an
alphabetical ordering of values. Duplicate values are permitted. 
Alternative   A list of resources or literals that represent alternatives
for the (single) value of a property. Alternative might be used to provide
alternative language translations for the title of a work, or to provide a
list of Internet mirror sites at which a resource might be found. An
application using a property whose value is an Alternative collection is
aware that it can choose any one of the items in the list as appropriate. "

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