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Message text written by Christopher Ferris > I think that it is key that we go with what we've got and not be dependent upon that which isn't ready for prime time. <<<<<<<<<<<<< Chris', Here in lies the rub - unfortunately what we have (XML V1.0) is not adequate to do all of the job - 80%, yes, 100% no. Here's some forinstances: EDI code tables, EDI code lists, version control, datatyping and picture masks, class definitions and re-use, un-ordered element lists, AND conditional element lists, open elements, and more. Of course these are all in that 20% bracket and your mileage may vary on how important you consider these. Ironically, the bigger piece I've been seeing is XLink and XPointer - finally (well overdue) we should see a recommendation on this next month. For my money I'd like to get that in place - in the parsers - and all the good things that brings - particularly multi-lingual support and 'Bizcodes' mechanisms. This stuff is then in-the-bank and will give us a better understanding of the final feature set needed from Schemas. OK - so the key thing here is to NOT spoil the brew. In closing the gap on the 20% which will give us the Global inteoperable toolset that we seek - we need to be very careful that we have a Schema system that is easy to use, promotes excellent practices in systems implementation, and does not require band-aids and Mr.Fixit code everywhere on a global scale. Think about it - people in Africa, Asia, S,.America and Europe will be using this - so I'm not happy with a system that's only useable by an elite in California. Even a twelve year old should be able to do this - that's what made HTML so successful. These are the measures I'm seeing are sorely lacking in evaluation of the current drafts. And that's OK - in a sense you have to get a draft - then come back and hit it hard with these 'cost of use' factors and then go back - tear out peices, and make other pieces better to ensure you have this completely right. DW.
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