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Subject: MIME enveloping and Packaging work paper for Thursday con-call.
The attached file is the work paper Nick and I agreed to produce during the last con-call. Please review and prepare to discuss during the con-call on Thursday. Thanks, Dick Brooks http://www.8760.com/
ebXML Message Routing and Transport Enveloping and Packaging DISCUSSION-ONLY Paper March 6, 2000 Authors: Dick Brooks Nick Kassem dick@8760.com Nick.Kassem@eng.sun.com PURPOSE This paper is intended to help MR&T workgroup participants understand the various ways XML and non-XML payloads can be expressed using MIME enveloping/packaging standards. The main objective of this paper is to provide workgroup members with a sufficient technical understanding of MIME technology to enable a consensus adoption or rejection of MIME as the packaging/enveloping standard for ebXML messages. There are several decisions facing the MR&T group in the quest for a global standard for Transport, Routing and Packaging of digital payloads (XML and non-XML), including (but not limited to): - selection/definition of header elements - support for various communication modes (simplex, request/response, fire'n'forget with asynchronous receipt delivery) - algorithms used to implement privacy, authentication, integrity and non-repudiation - which transports to support - potential adoption of other transport specifications for XML (e.g. SOAP, XML-RPC) - packaging and enveloping standards This paper is ONLY intended to assist the group in its decision related to packaging and enveloping standards. Any reference to transports, header names and values are coincidental and used solely to convey concepts relating to packaging and enveloping. INTRODUCTION This paper is organized around two scenarios: - a very simple scenario with a single XML payload - a moderately complex scenario using a multipart/mixed payload, containing both XML and binary objects Three examples are given for each scenario: 1. E-mail based approach 2. HTTP based approach using Multipart/form-data packaging (ref RFC 1867) with a single body part per ebXML header and one bodypart for payload (this capability exists in all currently shipping browsers) 3. HTTP based approach using Multipart/form-data packaging (ref RFC 1867) using one bodypart to contain an XML representation of all ebXML headers and one bodypart for payload. NOTE: The examples below use a single bodypart as a "payload container". MIME packaging/enveloping does NOT restrict the type of data allowed in the payload bodypart. Consenting trading partners are free to place any type of data into the payload bodypart including ascii, unicode, binary, multipart objects and XML( which can also contain binary objects or other XML documents). It is up to consenting trading partners to agree on the structure, type and format of payloads. In the simple scenario a company is using XML to communicate a single business transaction (invoice) to a trading partner. The XML object used in this scenario can be replaced with X12, EDIFACT or any other business transaction syntax companies may wish to exchange using the ebXML transport standard. In the moderately complex scenario, a binary JPEG file is sent along with the same XML payload used in the simple scenario. Any of the approaches described below can be used in a simplex, request/response of fire'n'forget communication mode. Additional functionality can be added through the use of additional headers ( requesting signed receipts, async receipt delivery, crypto algorithms, etc.). This document does not attempt to define ebXML behavioral requirements or header data elements, all references to header data elements are coincidental and used solely to convey concepts related to packaging/enveloping. SIMPLE EXAMPLES (ONE XML DOCUMENT PAYLOAD) Example 1. The following represents a simple message exchange using a XML payload over an SMTP infrastructure. From:<dick@8760.com> To: <nick@sun.com> Message-ID: 1111 Subject: Your invoice Content-type: text/xml <Invoice>transaction tags and business data.... </Invoice> Example 2. The following is a simple B2C or B2B scenario with XML over a HTTP infrastructure, using a browser to send data. This example uses one body part per ebXML header element and one body part for payload. Content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------222875935764 Content-Length: 1373 -----------------------------222875935764 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="from" dick@8760.com -----------------------------222875935764 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="to" nick@sun.com -----------------------------222875935764 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="Message-ID" 1111 -----------------------------222875935764 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="Subject" Your invoice -----------------------------222875935764 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="input-data"; filename="D:\GISBLite\as2testtextfile.aes" Content-Type: text/xml <Invoice>transaction tags and business data.... </Invoice> -----------------------------222875935764-- Example 3. The following is a B2C or B2B scenario with a simple XML header & payload over an HTTP infrastructure. This example uses one bodypart to contain all ebXML header elements and one body part for payload. Content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------222875935764 Content-Length: 1373 -----------------------------222875935764 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="ebXML-header" <ebxml-header> <from>dick@8760.com</from> <to>nick@sun.com</to> <Message-ID>1111</Message-ID> <Subject>Your invoice</Subject> </ebxml-header> -----------------------------222875935764 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="input-data"; filename="D:\GISBLite\as2testtextfile.aes" Content-Type: text/xml <Invoice>transaction tags and business data.... </Invoice> -----------------------------222875935764-- MODERATELY COMPLEX EXAMPLES (two related objects, one XML the other JPEG): Example 4 - The following represents a multipart payload object (containing XML and binary data) over an SMTP infrastructure. From:<dick@8760.com> To: <nick@sun.com> Message-ID: 1111 Subject: Your invoice and image of original purchase order Content-type: multipart/mixed, boundary=BbC04ZZZ --BbC04ZZZ Content-disposition: attachment; filename="invoice.xml" Content-Type: text/xml <Invoice>transaction tags and business data.... </Invoice> --BbC04ZZZ Content-disposition: attachment; filename="image.jpg" Content-Type: image/jpg Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 base64 encoded contents of image ... --BbC04ZZZ-- Example 5 - The following represents a multipart payload object containing XML and binary data in a B2C or B2B scenario over a HTTP infrastructure, using a browser to send data. This example uses one body part per ebXML header element and one body part for payload. Content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------222875935764 Content-Length: 1373 -----------------------------222875935764 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="from" dick@8760.com -----------------------------222875935764 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="to" nick@sun.com -----------------------------222875935764 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="Message-ID" 1111 -----------------------------222875935764 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="Subject" Your invoice and image of original purchase order -----------------------------222875935764 Content-disposition: form-data; name="input-data"; filename="invoice-info.data" Content-type: multipart/mixed, boundary=BbC04ZZZ --BbC04ZZZ Content-disposition: attachment; filename="invoice.xml" Content-Type: text/xml <Invoice>transaction tags and business data.... </Invoice> --BbC04ZZZ Content-disposition: attachment; filename="image.jpg" Content-Type: image/jpg binary contents of image ... --BbC04ZZZ-- -----------------------------222875935764-- Example 6 - The following represents a multipart payload object containing XML and binary data in a B2C or B2B scenario over a HTTP infrastructure, using a browser to send data. This example uses one bodypart to contain all ebXML header elements and one body part for payload. Content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------222875935764 Content-Length: 1373 -----------------------------222875935764 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="ebXML-header" <ebxml-header> <from>dick@8760.com</from> <to>nick@sun.com</to> <Message-ID>1111</Message-ID> <Subject>Your invoice and image of original P.O.</Subject> </ebxml-header> -----------------------------222875935764 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="input-data"; filename="invoice-info.data" Content-type: multipart/mixed, boundary=BbC04ZZZ --BbC04ZZZ Content-disposition: attachment; filename="invoice.xml" Content-Type: text/xml <Invoice>transaction tags and business data.... </Invoice> --BbC04ZZZ Content-disposition: attachment; filename="image.jpg" Content-Type: image/jpg Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary binary contents of image ... --BbC04ZZZ-- -----------------------------222875935764-- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks to James McCarthy, jamesm@webxi.com, for providing the multipart/mixed example used in this document
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