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ebxml-transport message

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Subject: RE: Efficient XML - request for input

>To that end, it seems that more and more people are favoring
>element-normalization (keep data out of attributes, use attributes
>(sparingly) for meta-information).  Most new standards are also
>favoring elements over attributes (XSLT, XSchema, etc.).

Interesting observation I made recently was that XML parsers
parse SML files faster than XML files.  In some cases, as
much as 40% faster.  Considering that SML versions of XML
files are about 6% larger, performance gain is rather

BTW, sgrep approach also encourages element-normalization.
One simple technique is to search for "foobar>" to find
start and end tags quickly even if they are nested.  SML
is basically sgrep-ready since there are no noise to confuse

Anyway, back to lurking.


Don Park    -   mailto:donpark@docuverse.com
Docuverse   -   http://www.docuverse.com

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