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Subject: RE: Trading Partner Logical Identification based on EDIFACT or X1 2qualifiers
Message text written by David Burdett >The thornier question is WHO decides what goes in the repository. Because if we require that companies/organizations/individuals are registered before they can use ebXML then: a) we are creating a barrier for SMEs - which is against our objectives b) whoever controls access has a lot of power ... which they probably shouldn't have. To my mind, the relative open access provided by the existing Domain Name System (via URN/URIs), is something we should leverage whilst still allowing existing naming/numbering schemes from ISO/X12/EDIFACT to co-exist. David <<<<<<<<<<<<<< These are only issues in our minds (mostly!). The tpaML thing is where the rubber hits the road. If I can have a tpaML profile where most of it is 'none / default / any / unknown' then its easy for a SME to join up. Actually their ISP should provide defaults automatically of any domain stuff into a tpaML profile - so they won;t even see that. I do NOT think there will be a power issue - because frankly ANY repository can play - so that means rapidly you have competition on providing access. You have to have some accountablity and traceablity to avoid fraud (there will be fraud - nothing is 100% - but you should strive for 90%+) Domain names just do not give you any sort of granularity into information. The use of namespace as a qualifier (as in GUIDE) is OK - but then you need specific labels (IDREF's) within that to locate what you need. Whether the namespace points at some complex registry/repository, or if the Reg/Rep is in fact a simple XML file stored in a sub-directory and the Web server can do IDREF style query against the content (i.e. extremely simple) that is really an issue of implementation. Then there's the impending Schema support issue. GUIDE is an approach to letting you do both - and uses reference mechanisms that work well in both worlds. Simple URN is going to have a tough time with Schema extensions, but that's a technical aside, returning to the business focus.... I'd like to see the Transport layer 'repository enabled' so that these references can be resolved simply and easily, while at the same time providing robust and honest information retrieval. This is not difficult to do with simple http based query/response, and definately adds significant value to an interchange header in terms of interoperable and secure exchanges. We've never said there is a restriction on content - just that content needs to be authenticated - the difference between a Yahoo search engine and an Ask Jeeves - its all in that business classification layer in GUIDE! That's why I noted that some of this is to be determined as we work toward Tokyo. Thanks, DW.
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