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Subject: RE: [Fwd: RE: on the issue of PartyId]
Message text written by Henry Lowe > David, I'll get back to you on this URI question. In thinking about it a bit, what I suppose we can do is to put something on our server which says "For use with ebXML, the value of this PartyID identifier is a CORBA IOR". We would then have to establish a URL to this on our server. The URL would then be used to identify the "CORBA namespace". <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Henry, Here is my takes on this, either: <!ELEMENT ebXMLpartyID EMPTY> <!ATTLIST ebXMLpartyID URI CDATA #IMPLIED URN CDATA #IMPLIED CORBA_IOR CDATA #IMPLIED EDI_tpID CDATA #IMPLIED DUNS CDATA #IMPLIED tpIDType CDATA #IMPLIED tpID CDATA #IMPLIED guidRef CDATA #FIXED 'TRP01001' > so you can pick one or more of these identifiers (nice that you can do that) from the standard list, and if you are using something odd ball - that goes in the tpIDType / tpID pair. Since the item is explicitly EMPTY, this makes the parser force the use of the attributes to pass actual values. The guidRef is provided in the DTD (no need to put it in the XML side) as an automatic reference to the Registry for those who want to use it (no mandated processing). or an alternative syntax style would be: <!ELEMENT ebXMLpartyID ( ( URI | URN | CORBA_IOR | EDI_tpID | DUNS | tpID )+) > <!ATTLIST ebXMLpartyID guidRef CDATA #FIXED 'TRP01001' > <!ELEMENT tpID (#PCDATA) > <!ATTLIST tpID tpIDType CDATA #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT CORBA_IOR (#PCDATA) > <!ELEMENT DUNS (#PCDATA) > <!ELEMENT EDI_tpID (#PCDATA) > <!ELEMENT URI (#PCDATA) > <!ELEMENT URN (#PCDATA) > <!ATTLIST CORBA_IOR guidRef CDATA #FIXED 'TRP01002' > <!ATTLIST DUNS guidRef CDATA #FIXED 'TRP01003' > <!ATTLIST EDI_tpID guidRef CDATA #FIXED 'TRP01004' > <!ATTLIST URI guidRef CDATA #FIXED 'TRP01005' > <!ATTLIST URN guidRef CDATA #FIXED 'TRP01006' > If you are going to count clock cycles of CPU to process then the first method is faster, the second method gives you more explicit registry lookups of the business semantics, (as the the first one requires that the TRP01001 reference point to the attribute semantic definitions). I'd vote for the first form - and an use example would be: <ebXMLpartyID DUNS="3434609123" URN="xmlglobal:ebXML:invoices"> Thanks, DW.
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