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Subject: Re: comments on ver 0.8

I can appreciate your wanting to have the formatting consistent between the
project teams - there should be consistency. However, we're starting into
the eleventh hour and we're still talking about format - and changing it.
We need to put a stake in the ground on the format and be done with it. If
the group accepts your recommendations, that's great. But IMHO, after we do
the next set of changes, the format should be finalized - whether it's
consistent with the other project teams or not.


christopher ferris <chris.ferris@east.sun.com> on 11/27/2000 02:34:47 PM

To:   "ebxml-transport@lists.ebxml.org" <ebxml-transport@lists.ebxml.org>

Subject:  comments on ver 0.8


I'd like to formally add/reopen the following comment
for consideration. Please add it to the comment database.



I'd like to reopen my previous comment (rejected) regarding
the naming of the various sections of the document.
In reviewing the TA spec, I notice that they have
not followed the section naming in all cases. In fact,
they have modified the section names to better reflect
what they are (which is all I am advocating). I don't
believe for a minute that anyone would have a problem
if we named our document's sections in a meaningful
manner. I also don't believe for a minute that

>From the TA 0.93 spec:
        - 4.2 Audience and Scope
I think that this actually makes a great deal of sense.
Note also that the TA spec does NOT have a section
entitled "Definition and Scope" as we have for
our section 7. I would also cite that we have,
for all intents and purposes, a set of caveats
and assumptions listed in our section 4.3 "Audience".
Finally, I think that it would be useful to call
out as separate sections the various sub-components
of the messaging service (see below.)

Proposal: rename the following sections, renumber all
subsections affected accordingly:

Old                             New
------------                    ----------------------
4.3 Audience                    4.3 Audience and Scope
                                (add scope discussion)
5.2 Caveats and Assumptions     4.4 Caveats and Assumptions
                                (relocate line 259 to this section
5.1 .....                       eliminate sub-section header as
7 Definition and Scope          7.0 Packaging
7.5 ebXML Header Document       8.0 Header Document
7.11 Reliable Messaging Flow    9.0 Reliable Messaging
7.13 ebXML Error Reporting      10.0 Error Reporting and Handling
7.14 Security                   11.0 Security

Note that I have removed 'ebXML' from sections 7.5 and 7.13
as it should be patently obvious that all of this relates
to ebXML. I think that it is overly redundant to qualify
section headers in this manner.

(See attached file: chris.ferris.vcf)


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