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Subject: Forum on E-Commerce
Dear ebXMLers, On behalf of Carol Cosgrove-Sacks of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, OASIS is forwarding information about the "Forum for Electronic Commerce for Transition Economies in the Digital Age" to all members of the ebXML Initiative. Please read the below and attached for further details. ======================================================== Dear Sir/Madame: On behalf of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe we are delighted to invite you to the upcoming Forum on Electronic Commerce for Transition Economies in the Digital Age to be held in the Palais des Nations in Geneva on 19 to 20 June 2000, organized in collaboration with the European Electronic Messaging Association. As you will see from the attached programme, the Forum will bring together Ministers, senior government officials, high-ranking business executives and senior representatives from international organizations. It provides a platform where recent experience with electronic commerce can be shared and future prospects for transition economies can be explored. The Forum aims at discussing and capturing the dynamics of the complex mix of opportunities and challenges linked to electronic commerce. It will offer an excellent meeting place for all those involved in this promising new way of doing and creating business, inform about the latest developments, show day-to-day applications, highlight major achievements and outline what remains to be done. We believe that this Forum is timely and will be of highest interest to you. There are vast opportunities to be explored and we hope that this Forum will open perspectives to all participants. As the number of participants is limited we would need the confirmation of your attendance as soon as possible. Please send your reply within the next weeks to the addresses mentioned below. We look forward to meeting you in June and hope to hear from you soon. For further information, please contact: Mr. DaeWon Choi Forum Coordinator UN/ECE Trade Division, Office 427 Tel 41-22-917 2474 Fax 41-22-917 0178 E-mail: daewon.choi@unece.org (See attached file: Programme-edited.DOC) (See attached file: FORUM JUNE 00 REGISTRATION.WPD) (See attached file: CTIED FORUM JUNE 00 REGISTRATION.doc)
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