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Subject: RE: ebXML will end up being too expensive for small business
Message text written by Bill Chessman > Getting back to my own "refining question", seems like the latter would be the answer particularly since the frameworks and components could be incorporated into all sizes and types of software all the way down to the shrinkwrapped PC packages to run the S-est of SMEs. Maybe I'm on the right track, maybe I'm not. Thanks, anyway, for letting me try out my thoughts in a relatively public place. 8-) Bill Chessman Harbinger Corporation <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Bill, when we got started into this there was seen to be two approaches - the bottom up approach, and the top down approach. I've definately been working the bottom up approach as the low-cost and lightweight entry point and also the foundation in XML. Once we have the wheels, engine and the chassis done, then people can use it to build all kinds of vehicles! That's my mantra. There are loads of other people working the top down angle. I'm comfortable with this as we are both learning from each other and cross-fertilizing so that the pieces mesh in the middle. This could also be a type A, type B thing. The type B's want more order and structure to the universe, the type A's thrive on organized chaos. Fortunately it seems to me this is just a microcosm of the business world and life in general. I'm comfortable we're moving on the right tracks for now. We have to be able to serve both worlds is the bottom line. Thanks, DW.
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