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Subject: DNS problems
ebXMLers: As you've probably noticed, the domain ebxml.org has been down today. This has effected both the ebXML web site as well as the ebXML mail lists. We're moving to a new ISP, and this process includes changing the DNS entries so that a domain name points to a different server. A mistake was made in the new DNS table, and clearing this up requires rebooting the DNS server which the ISP is unable to do until the end of the day. So the domain should be back up this evening. My apologies for the inconvenience this has caused. I know that a lot of the teams are on tight and busy schedules these next couple of weeks; we'll get this back up and running as quickly as we can. </karl> ============================================================ Karl F. Best OASIS - Director, Technical Operations 978.667.5115 x206 karl.best@oasis-open.org http://www.oasis-open.org
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