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Subject: ebXML AT COMDEX

ebXML Community:
OASIS is excited to announce that COMDEX/Fall 2001, one of the largest
IT exhibitions in the world, will feature the XML OASIS Pavilion, 1500
square feet of exhibit space that will showcase ebXML solutions.

The XML OASIS offers a great opportunity to demonstrate your ebXML
solutions to a large, targeted audience--at a fraction of the cost of a
traditional COMDEX booth. Even if you're already exhibiting at COMDEX,
space in the XML OASIS positions your company as a leading ebXML
solution provider.

COMDEX/Fall 2001 is expected to attract 200,000 attendees to Las Vegas,
Nevada, 12-16 November. The conference will feature keynote
presentations by OASIS Sponsors including Bill Gates of Microsoft, John
Chambers of CISCO and Larry Ellison of Oracle. More than 2,300 companies
from around the world will exhibit at COMDEX. The show floor will be
segmented into eight technology areas, plus ten special partner
pavilions including the XML OASIS.

***Exhibiting in the XML OASIS***

Organizations have two options for exhibiting in the XML OASIS Pavilion.

Option 1: Pod
Special booth unit modules (3’ x 5’) will include text header,
carpeting, chair, 17” display monitor, one IP address and electrical
service for 9500 USD.

Option 2: Traditional Booth Space
OASIS Members may reserve exhibit space (20' x 20' or larger) in
proximity to the XML OASIS Pavilion at a reduced rate of 57.95 USD per
square foot.

Whether you exhibit in a pod or booth, your company will receive:
*Inclusion in the exhibitor listing in all attendee marketing
brochures – more than 2.8 million brochures
*Listing on the COMDEX web site
*Listing in The Preview – circulation of 125,000
*Listing in The COMDEX Program & Exhibits Guide – circulation of 125,000
*Listing in The Pavilion Guide – circulation of 30,000
*Opportunity for editorial coverage in the Show Daily
*Use of Press Room for distributing media kits and meeting with editors
*Access to database of all pre-registered media for pre-show promotion
*Unlimited use of complimentary Guest Tickets with your company name
(Note: some benefits are subject to production deadlines.)

Space in the XML OASIS is limited to OASIS Sponsors and Contributors.
For information on joining OASIS, see http://www.oasis-open.org/join/.
If you are already an OASIS Sponsor or Contributor, contact Arnold
Wolfson at 781-433-1573
arnold.wolfson@key3media.com to reserve your space.

More information on COMDEX/Fall 2001 can be found on

Carol Geyer
Director of Communications
Tel: +1.941.926.2322

OASIS       	http://www.oasis-open.org
XML.ORG     	http://xml.org
XML Cover Pages	http://xml.coverpages.org
ebXML       	http://www.ebXML.org
CGM Open    	http://www.cgmopen.org

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